Friday, August 31, 2012

Retail... The Thankless Job

I worked retail one summer in college.  I soon found out that such a job is not for shy wallflowers with low self esteem like myself...  After leaving nearly every day in tears, I promised myself that I would show a little leg on a street corner before I'd ever work retail again, no matter how poor I got.  Now, as a happily married mom of two, I'm still sticking to that!  In fact, I think I'd make Shawn show a little leg on a street corner before I'll work retail...  But now I'm digressing.

Seriously, our civil/public servants, and those who work retail jobs, are severely overworked and underpaid. These are very thankless jobs, and there are some people in this world who are just plain not nice.  Some are even downright abusive.

This is on my mind because while I was in line at the grocery store today, a tired Avery started giving me a hard time, my eggs broke, my strawberries fell to the floor and rolled everywhere, and some of my things got mixed up with the gentleman's in front of me, causing several voids and other problems.  None of these things were the cashier's fault, yet I started to get an attitude with her.

I felt like such a jerk, especially when I realized her day was going much worse than mine.

I did apologize to her, and when the woman behind me began to get an attitude with the cashier as well, it earned her a dirty look from me.  As I left, I made sure to tell the cashier that I hoped her day got better, that we all have bad days, and somehow it always works out (loud enough for the woman behind me to hear me, of course, because I still wasn't feeling very nice).  What I really wanted to do was hug her and treat her to lunch.

I got to leave the store after my few minutes of "bad day."  That cashier had to spend the rest of her shift there, dealing with the customers behind me, her wonky computer, and her co-workers.  No telling what she'd brought to work with her from home, or what she was taking with her when she left.  That's the thing about bad days:  We don't know what's going on in someone else's world, and someone else's bad day could be worse than your own.

My point is this--not only as Christians, but as human beings, we need to be more considerate with others.   When I see a cashier like this young girl, I always think of my dear nieces.  I love these two girls with all my heart, and I'd rip out anyone's throat who treated my girls anywhere near the way I started to treat this young cashier today.  So, stop and think--this person standing across from you is someone's sweet niece, someone's daughter or son.  The cashier might be trying to work his or her way through school, or 'just' earn a living.  She might be a single mom working two jobs trying to keep food in her child's belly, or he could be a dad who was just laid off from his regular job in this awful economy, trying to keep his family together and a roof over their heads.  Few people set out in their lives wanting to work in Walmart, a grocery store, or other retail stores.  They are simply trying to make a life for themselves, and sometimes, their families.   Everyone has a story, and every person deserves respect.

We live in a very fast-paced, "me"-centered society.  We are so focused on our electronics and agendas that we forget to look at faces.  We forget to make eye contact, and we forget to smile.  We forget to give compliments, and we forget to ask how others are doing.  We forget to say thank you.  And when things slow down just a bit because a cashier's register balks, when prices go up, when the line slows down because of the little old lady ahead of us with her 30 cans of cat food and 20 coupons...  We complain.  We get angry.  We blame to the cashier.  And we forget to be human.

Please, remember to stop and care.  Remember to smile, say thank you and be pleasant.  Remember to be human.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Petition for Paul Corby, Young Man with Autism in Need of Heart Transplant

I don't normally use my blog to sound off on social or political issues.  And I'm going to try very hard to reign in my emotions on this one, because I don't know much about the transplant process or the decision-making process.  It is always my goal to sound intelligent, and I don't want to sound like a blabbering idiot, so I'm going to do my best to not beat my opinions on this subject into you, my readers!  And trust me, I have plenty to say about this!  When I read this article, I was more than appalled.  Not just as a mom, not just as Noah's mom, but as a human being.  So, what I'm going to do is post the article link, then I will also post the link to the petition, and leave the decision making up to you.  Obviously, I have signed the petition.

*I would also like to take this time to encourage you to consider becoming an organ donor, if you are not already.  If you are not comfortable marking the box on your driver's license, please make your wishes known to your family.  Thank you!*

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Puppy Plunge

Most people need only the basics:  Air, food, water and shelter.  Some people probably consider love a basic necessity, and for others of us, God is a basic need as well.  For me, books are a necessity, too.  And cats.  Oh, and definitely Starbucks.  Should the world end tomorrow, I need to make sure I'll have plenty of chai!  I'm sure there are a few other things I missed in that list, but now I'm getting off track!

Our family needs all of those things too.  We also need a dog.

So, we've taken the not-so-puppy puppy plunge.  Gretta was three when we brought her home, so there wasn't much puppy left to her, although she was always very young at heart and brought our family so much happiness.  Even though Lilly is already six months old, there is still quite a bit of puppy left in her!

Lilly has been home for only a few days, but already has been the source of many giggles, quite a few smiles, and some outright laughter.  It's felt good.

Please don't think we ran out right away and replaced Gretta.  We could never do that.  We are very grateful that Lilly was already chosen for us before Gretta died, otherwise it would've just felt very weird bringing another dog home so soon.  Our hope originally was that Lilly would be home before Gretta died, but it didn't work out that way.

When I say Lilly was chosen for us, she really was--God picked her out.  You see, when I realized Gretta was on the final decline, I knew the best way for our family to come to terms with our loss would be to already have a puppy in place.  We need that furry, four legged love.  If we waited, I knew we'd never get another dog because we would be comparing all the candidates to Gretta.  I knew it would just be too painful for us.  So, unbeknownst to my three menfolk, I began contacting breeders.  I started strolling through the local animal shelters.  I looked up the local foster dogs and rescue groups.  But none of the dogs spoke to me.  So many sweet little faces and sad stories, but no one looked like he or she belonged in our home.  I was getting frustrated, and I asked my best friends if it's possible for the best dog in the world to come along twice in one lifetime.  They assured me it was more than just possible.

Turns out, they were right.  I should probably listen to them more often....

Then an email came through the homeschool chat group:  A puppy who needed a new home due to allergies.  I finally 'fessed up to Shawn about my surreptitious puppy searching, and I showed him the email.  He seemed more excited than I was!  Who was this man masquerading as my husband?!  We made arrangements to meet the 5 month old St Bernard/Border Collie mix....  And instantly fell in love.  It really wasn't difficult, after all, who can argue with sweet, smart and adorable?!

I say Lilly was chosen for us by God for several reasons.  Her first family is also Christian and was praying for a family like ours with small children, in which Lilly would be part of the family and not just another dog.  Her first mom wanted a family for Lilly in which she would make a difference.  I'd been praying for a dog we could fall in love with right away, who would blend in with our family without missing a beat, a dog I could train to work as a therapy dog, who would be just as much to us as Gretta was.  And Lilly answered all those prayers and more with one big, wet doggie kiss.

We made arrangements with her first family for them to watch her while we were on vacation.  I think this made things a little easier on them, as they had proper time to prepare themselves (especially the children) for her move, proper time to say goodbye and adjust to the idea that she had a new family.  It was good for us, as it gave us time to get away and deal a little bit with the loss of Gretta.  We picked her up Friday, and she's already made herself at home!

Lilly is hilarious.  She's already had quite a bit of training, and she listens better than our children!  She is a quick study, already having learned how to wait for Avery to go up or down the outside steps before she does so, and waiting for the kids to go through the doors before she does, sitting and waiting patiently!  We've also discovered a bonus to having a puppy: She and the toddler do quite a bit of chasing in the backyard, wearing each other out for us!  They stumble inside, suck down some water and collapse for about 20 minutes, then race outside for another game of chase!  She loves water play, thinks she is quite comfortable in our bed (I've got news for her!), and has introduced herself to the kitties (they're great 4 legged chase toys!), who are not amused.  I was woken up with a giant lick to the face Saturday morning, and I got it in the ear on Sunday morning, when she couldn't wait to get the play started at 6 am (did I mention we're not morning people?!), and something about the ice maker on the fridge thrills her to no end!

Lilly has been great fun for us.  Her love is a healing balm for our grief wounds.  She fits in well with our craziness, and has already attached herself to Noah and Avery.  She is such a blessing for our family.  We are so grateful to her and her first family for the gift of Lilly.

Really Mom?  Bows?!?!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's Good to Be Home

Ahhhhh.....  That's my sigh of relief, my shoulders relaxing, and my world settling itself back on its axis.  Whew!

I've had so many thoughts spinning through my head lately, I have about four different blog posts going in my head, there are so many things that have happened, so many things that are getting ready to happen.  I feel as though my life has turned into a whirlwind!  I need to slow down.  I need to remember to stop to appreciate what is important.

We just back from vacation last week.  It was a rather impromptu trip home, cutting our trip short by a few days, but I will explain that some other time.  We arrived home around 4 am last Sunday, and I had to sit most of the trip sideways in the front seat so I could hold Avery's hands to reassure him.  This past week has been spent settling in, decompressing and detoxing, getting ready for school (I'm sorry, did I cheer too loud there?), and trying to get back in the swing of things.  Oh, and adjusting to life with a puppy....  But again, that post is another day!

We finally got back to church today, after having been gone for over a month.  We missed VBS, and we've missed way too many Sundays.  Today was that breath of clean air--that immersion--that I've needed and that I've been craving.  This is the reason for my sigh of relief, relaxed shoulders and righted world.

You see, today wasn't just any old Sunday.  It started out that way, but WOW--God just never ceases to amaze me.  I don't even really know how to describe just how incredibly amazing it was to someone who has never experienced it, but I want you to know, if you haven't, my prayer for you is that you will.

Today was a day of healing.  It started out with amazing praise and worship.  We have an wonderful praise band, and today I just bathed in the messages of the songs we sang.  I needed this desperately today.  After praise and worship, it was announced that a family in our church recently received a very scary diagnosis and is in need of prayer.  This is one of the things I love about our church--when someone needs prayer, we come together as a family, we surround them in love, and just cover them in prayer.  This is how it should be in a church, with a family of Believers.  We came together, linking arms and shoulders, holding hands and crying out on behalf of this family as part of their family, all of us crunched up together towards the altar and we prayed.  And we prayed.  And we prayed some more.  When we finished praying for this family, we prayed for others in our church family also in need of healing.  And we prayed again, and again, and again.

I know our God can heal.  I've seen it.  I've lived it.  God is our Protector, our Healer, our Ultimate Physician.  When worldly doctors throw up their hands and tell us to get our affairs in order, God smiles and says, "Oh, but wait..."  He amazes me, and my prayer for myself is that I never cease to be in awe of Him and His miracles.

I do not know the story our Father has written for this family, but I do know that God MOVED among our church family today.  I also know that God keeps His promises to us.  God promises that whenever 2 or more are gathered in His name, there He is in our midst, and today, He certainly was.  The spirit of the Lord is powerful, and with God, all things are possible.

*sigh*  Ahhhh.....  It's good to be home.

James 5: 13-16 :   Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.