Monday, February 6, 2023

Let's Make it Weird Together

Promise me something--today, I want you to tell your friends and loved ones how much you love them.  Please, make it weird.  Social media friends you've never met in real life but can't live without, the guy next to you at the gas pump, lifelong friends, spouses, your pharmacist, children, siblings, niblings, friends you haven't talked to eons, remote family members you need to catch up with, the cashier at the grocery store--reach out today.  Make today the day.  Gush over them.  Tell them how much you love them, how much you need them in your life, swap memories and laughter, even tears.  Text, or email them paragraphs.  Make that phone call you've been putting off.  Put that coffee, breakfast, lunch, together-time you keep talking back on the calendar for good.  Tell them exactly how you feel, why you need them, everything you wish for them in life, what makes them special to you, and why the world still needs them.  Tell them how they deserve the heavens and the earth moved for them, simply because they *are*.  Let your gratitude for them be known.

Please, put aside your fears of embarrassment.  Please bravely reach out today, and make it weird.  Do not let another day go by without all of this being said.

Tell them today how much you love them.

We never know when--or if--we'll get this chance again.