Friday, June 15, 2012

To My Favorite THREE Year Old

My Dearest Avery,
You have gone from our tiny little miracle baby who couldn't wait to be born, before my body was ready, and before we could even get to the right hospital....  You, who made our little family of three into a more complete family of four...  You were worth the wait, the tears, the prayer, the frustration and everything else we went through to get you here with us.  I loved being able to hold you, being able to nurse you, being able to rock you to sleep and just be with you, smelling your sweet baby scent.  You have been beautiful from the moment I first knew I was pregnant with you.  Just thinking about all of it still brings me to tears.

You have taught my heart to sing, and I have learned that it really is possible for my heart to feel as though it's going to explode with love.  The way you greet me, the way you smile, your hugs, your slobbery kisses....  They are all little pieces of heaven for me.  I could snuggle with you and watch you sleep for hours.

You've been to Maine to meet--and dance with--your great-grandfather and namesake.  I know it made our Denny so happy to meet you and know you.  You even earned the title of Youngest Volunteer when you went to work with Mommy, bringing smiles and laughter to the lives of many who were sick or grieving, or just in need of a smile and a snuggle.  Of course, once you became mobile, you had to start going to daycare!

It has been fun to watch you discover your world, such as learning that while you really don't care for camping (unless S'mores are involved, of course), you really do love anything that comes from a Starbucks cup, Mommy's kitchen, a chocolate wrapper, or basically anything containing sugar.

You love bacon, and you love baking.  Sometimes it's hard to tell which you like more!

You can pout with the best of them, but you always win my heart (and twist me right around your little finger!) with your charm.


You do your best to keep up with the older kids, always afraid you're going to miss out on the fun.  You are my little thrill seeker, yelling, "More!  Higher!  Faster!  It's like a roller coaster!"

I love you more than you could ever imagine, Avery.  My sweet, precious, amazing little boy.  Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for the gift you are to me, and the joy you bring to me.  Thank you, and happy birthday.

Love Always,

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