Max has been ours for a little over 36 hours. He's been quarantined in the bathroom for all of that, and will have to stay in there until he improves. It breaks my heart, but one sick kitty is a lot easier (and cheaper) to care for than three sick kitties.
I've watched Avery carefully and what I've seen has amazed me, making my mommy heart burst. Whoever says kids don't know anything about love is, well, an idiot.
*I feel as though there should be a disclaimer here about teenagers and 'love,' but that's another post, right?
On the way home with Max (his crate safely buckled into the seat next to Avery), Avery talked to him about his new home, his new family, and how much he's going to like it here: "You're gonna wuv your new home Max Steele. I'm going to wuv you and hold you and pway with you." He shopped carefully for Max's supplies, and proudly--gently--carried Max in his crate out to the car, and into the house.
Avery has watched entire movies on the bathroom floor just so he can spend time with Max. He's taken his toys, games and books in there. Avery sits in there, talking, petting and brushing (and feeding Max treats... lots and lots of treats). He made a get well card for his cat, which we taped to the side of the washer where Max can see it. Avery goes in every few minutes just to say hi and check up on his kitty. He's been going in without me reminding him, and I hear him in there telling Max how much he loves him. I found 60 photos of Max on my phone, each one obscured by a little finger. We did let Max sleep with Avery the past two nights, and when we went in to check on them later, we found them curled up tight, Max purring happily. We did put Max back in the bathroom before we went to bed so he could eat and potty, and this morning Avery went straight there to say good morning to Max.
Avery told me yesterday, "I bwoke my heart to give Max my wuv and make him better. And he bwoke his heart to give me his wuv!" How is that my four year old understands what it takes to love another living creature, but most of us adults can't grasp that concept? I really think we get dumber with age...
Some of this I talked with Avery about before bringing Max home, and I've continued to remind Avery over the past two days. But, most of this--it's all Avery.
I really don't like taking credit for my kids. And I'm not saying that as a martyr in a misguided effort to be humble. It's all them and God, truly. How they are turning out is not a reflection of my
And for that, I'm grateful.
In case you're checking here--I tried replying to the email address that came through with your request, but that was a "no reply" so I'm not sure it went through. I'm not on FB, but I am on IG (amynoellef)--maybe we could connect there? If not, we can figure something else out. I'd rather not put my email address out on my blog. Thank you for reading!