Monday, March 21, 2016

Being a Strong Woman

I've often been accused of being too sensitive, overly sensitive and just plain thin skinned. I was made to feel weak.  Yes, I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I feel deeply, on every level, with every emotion.  When my friends hurt, I hurt.  When my kids and husband hurt, I hurt even more.  When I hear of a stranger's despair, I hurt.  I get angry reading the news. I rejoice in the joy of others, whether I know them or not.  Books, praise and worship music, music in general, conversations, tv shows, movies, commercials, prayer--all have similar affects on me.  I often am driven to tears and laughter over things that don't personally impact my life, but still impact my emotions.  I am human.

This used to embarrass me tremendously.  I thought something was wrong with me.  Surely, I just needed to toughen up.  I have realized however, I do not want that kind of hardness in my heart.  I don't want it in my life.  I don't want it to be a part of me.  I've learned that being hard hearted is not the same as being stoic and strong. This sensitivity is who I am, and it's how God created me.  I want my sons to know it's okay to feel what they're feeling, and I need to set that example, as well as how to properly handle what they feel, especially when we have no control over the situation.  I want my children to embrace how God created them, and in that, I'm embracing how He made me.

I heard this quote on the radio the other day, and I realized, yes, I'm sensitive, but that doesn't mean I'm weak.  So, a reminder to all the other sensitive women out there:  You are strong, and you are a gift, Beloved.

"A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely.  Her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter...
A strong woman is both soft and powerful.  She is both practical and spiritual...
A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world."

To strong, sensitive women everywhere:  May we be them, may we know them, may we encourage them and raise them, and may we raise our sons to be men who will do the same.  

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