Monday, July 29, 2019

Sharing the Burden

There was a passage in yesterday's message at church that just struck me to my core, right to my gut, right through my heart.

I don't have it word for word (I will adjust my post once the sermon is posted, if necessary), but the gist of it was, the moment you realize you're lost, but no one is looking for you.


Right?  Pulls you up short, doesn't it?

How many people do we pass every day, do we scroll past on social media, do we ignore via phone call, text or email, who feel lost and are desperate for someone to look for them?

Perhaps we judge it as drama.  Or maybe the situation looks too involved and we decide we just don't have time for it.  Or we decide in our minds that someone else will take care of situation.

But what if it's really a cry for genuine help?  For friendship?  For family?  For any kind of human contact and connection?

Sweet readers, let us do better.  Let us be better.  Let us offer to share the burdens of others.  Let's reach out and be the ones who extend our hands and open our homes in love.

Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
--Galatians 6:2

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