Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Words for the Year

I'm not a person who does vision boards each January, makes resolutions or chooses a word or verse for the year.

This year though, our family was given three words: Grace, Goodness and Gratitude.

We were also given a verse: "I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you"--Isaiah 46:4.

We've not just been given these as words, but as actual, real life moments.  We're taking things at a slower pace, drinking everything in, enjoying just being able to be a family.

Abba is carrying us through this season.  I constantly hear Amy Grant's words in my head, reminding me, "I will carry you, my child, my child."

As I watched my sweet idiots throw each other around, jump off the furniture in flying leaps to join the pile, laughing so hysterically they couldn't stand up--for once, I didn't try to stop it.  I didn't caution them to slow down.  With the dog barking and Elijah quacking, both trying to join the fun (or protect their respective boys?), I didn't complain about the noise level.  

Rather, I stepped back and watched the melee.  Smiling, I gave my children grace--the same grace Abba affords us each day.  I curled up in my husband's lap, tucked into the safe refuge of his arms wrapped around me.  I listened to the certain, steady beat of his heart.  We soaked in the moment, offering up gratitude for this goodness.  

I nearly missed this. 

We know this won't last.  We know these brotherly moments will grow further apart, before they come back full circle.  We know we will miss this.

We know we are not guaranteed a single thing in this life.

Friends, soak it in.  Drink it up.  Let these forever moments just wash over you.  Don't hurry things along.  Breathe.  Take the time to pray and be in Abba's presence.  

And remember--Grace, Goodness and Gratitude.  And, He is always carrying you.


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