Friday, August 21, 2020

Well, At Least There's That

Sometimes I have to find humor where it really isn't. 

Sometimes it's not that I have to do so, it's that I just do. 

Most of the time my humor is self-deprecating and a little defensive.

I recently started seeing a new doctor.  To start things off, she ran a lot of lab work.

This woman is exactly who I've been looking for in a doctor.  Her approach has been a major sigh of relief for myself and Shawn.

The results from the lab work came back... And we're trying to figure out how I'm still standing.  How am I still functioning?  How I am waking up every morning and managing to get through my days?

 It's one of those things where this has been my norm for so long, I really don't know any different.  I don't know I'm supposed to feel better than I do--well, I do know, but I haven't had the energy to advocate for myself, to find better doctors, to scream for the attention my health needs.  The results explain so very much.

*This* is too low, *that* is too high... You get the idea.  The report was four pages of bad news, a sea of alarming red words screaming at us.  I did laugh as I read asterisked notations under many of the tests stating the lab ran them more than once because the results were so off.  Some of them more than twice.

Then, there it was.  Down at the bottom of the last page.  Big bold letters announcing the wonderful news.  My Covid antibody test was negative.

My laughter about the notations turned to cackling, Shawn's chuckling turned to full-on laughter.  I laughed until I had tears streaming down my face and couldn't breathe.

Well, at least there's that.


  1. Glad you may have found a good dr. At least there's one thing you have.

  2. Amy...your mindset amazes me. You are an inspiration to all women, moms. Self care is so essential for the ability to continue caring for our families. Thank goodness you have a sense of humor. Now you have a good Dr. you can work toward the epic life you deserve. ������ Angie


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