Wednesday, January 27, 2021

If You Give a Mom a Muffin

If you give a mom a muffin, she just might want hot tea with it.  

And a quiet moment to enjoy them, but well, kids.

Upon opening the microwave to heat up the water, she sees the microwave really should be cleaned.  She goes to the cleaning cabinet for some cleaner.

When she reaches for the cleaner, she realizes she's out of cleaner, along with a few other household items.  Soooo she heads for her computer to add those items to the shopping list.  

On her way to the computer, she notices the floors really could use a good vacuuming (dust bunnies and duck feathers everywhere while Jeeves the Robot Vacuum is still on Christmas vacation!).  She takes a detour from the computer to the closet for the vacuum.

When she opens the coat closet for the vacuum, she notices several coats on the floor.  The coats the kids were supposed to hang up.  *Sigh*  After hanging the coats up--

"Hmmmm.  What was I doing?," she thinks to herself.

Unable to remember, she heads upstairs to tackle the laundry.  

From the stairwell, she hears children fighting.  Changing course, she heads to break up the fight.

While breaking up the fight, she notices how awful the boy's room looks.  

"Okay!  Let's tackle this room," she shouts.

She gives the children their marching (cleaning) orders, and exclaims, "Let's do this bathroom while we're at it!" 

Boys are sooooo gross.

It's time for dinner and with everything else she didn't do today, she forgot to prepare something for dinner!  Frozen pizza it is!

Okay, a little bit of TV before bed--but only a little, okay?  Hoping to just flop on the couch and completely zone out with her kids, instead she notices the blankets that need folding and pillows that need picking up.  Ah yes, and the wee one has a lot on his mind and it allllll needs to come out before bed!

Time to put the children to bed!  But the middle has so much to tell her about his book and his prayers, and the small one keeps coming out for one more hug.  

Hugging her children with all her might just one more time, she tucks them, kisses their sweet foreheads and reminds them how much they are loved.

Ahhhhh, the moment she's been waiting for--bedtime!  But her brain is buzzing and refuses to settle down.  Too many thoughts.  Oh, and the dog wants to go potty. 

After letting the dog out, she hears the pet water fountain beginning to buzz, signaling it's low.  Down to the basement to fill it, she goes!

On the landing, she spies the paper plate her muffin had once sat upon.  The dog had eaten it, wrapping and all.

"Might as well check the cat food bowl while I'm down here," she says to herself.  

After refilling the cat food, she lets the dog back in and realizes her brain is still oh so very busy.  

Sitting down to write a blog, she wants a cup of Bedtime Tea to sip on.  Opening the microwave, she finds the mug from that morning, still full, just waiting to be warmed up.

And, wait just a minute--do you hear that?  

Nope, she doesn't either.

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