Tuesday, May 15, 2012

If I Don't Put Him in a Baby Cage, I'm Going to Need a Padded Room

Some people seem to be able to coast through life, just enjoying it as it comes.  They seem to have few twists and turns, a relatively easy path.  Nothing too exciting ever seems to happen, their feathers are seldom ruffled...  So you know what else they have?  A really boring life.

Oh, but not us!  No, here in the Furr household, daily life itself is an adventure!  We scoff in the face of easy and calm!  We laugh at boring!  HA!  HA!  HA!

Yep, you guessed it.  Avery did it again.  Only this time, he didn't actually call 911, he hit the panic button on our house alarm.  And he didn't do it while I was in the shower, he did it while I was standing less than two feet away from him, pouring his milk.

I immediately punched in our code, then scooped my panicked toddler up into a snuggle to calm him down and reassure him.  That siren is LOUD.  That's when the phone rang....  "Hi, this is ADT calling...."  Only I couldn't remember our password.  It was one of two colors, Noah's favorite from umpteen years ago when we'd first had the security system installed.  I gave the alarm company dispatcher one of the colors and my name, and the phone call was over.  Whew, I'm glad that's over and done with! 

Only, it wasn't, because anything is seldom that simple in this house.  It seems I'd chosen the wrong one of the two colors, so ADT had alerted our local police.  The phone rang again....  Just as a deputy's car pulled into my driveway.  With lights AND sirens.  This time, the phone call was from our friendly neighborhood sheriff's office, asking if everything okay, telling me they'd received an alert from my alarm company and had dispatched a deputy to check things out.  "Yep.  Everything's okay.  My toddler set the alarm off, scared himself half to death, and your deputy is here.  In my driveway.  With his lights and sires on.  Please thank him for not drawing his gun, throwing me to the ground and handcuffing me in my own home!  Thanks!  Have a great day!"  Okay, so the excitement is over now, RIGHT?  PLEASE????


ADT called back again to tell me they'd sent an alert to my local police department and help was on the way.   Yes, thank you, I know, the help you sent is leaving my house as we speak... This time I went with the OTHER color when she asked for my password and name, and wouldn't you know it, I got it right.  Whew.

Oh well.  At least Mommy wasn't "getting a drink" this time, right?  And the young police officer got to start his morning off with lights AND sirens (based on his age, I'm betting he's been dying for a chance to use them ever since they turned him loose with his badge.  I'm just glad he wasn't itching for a chance to use his gun, handcuffs or tazer....).  And now we know how quick, reliable and responsive both our alarm company and police department are!  I figure that by getting the day's excitement out of the way by 9 am, that means the rest of the day should be a breeze, right?  That's the hope, anyway!  At any rate, I'm pretty sure we're on a "list" of some sort by now.

Now, where'd I put my Xanax?????

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