Friday, November 9, 2012

Back Off, She's My SISTER!

Just because of personal history, I kind of do a little panic thing when I hear sirens if I don't know where all my people are, or if I hear about an accident that has occurred nearby one of them.  It just scares me, and I worry until I hear back from all of them.

Yesterday I was on my way home with my boys when I heard on the radio about an accident near my friend Mandy's office.  Because I'm me, I panicked.  I worried.  I lead-footed it the rest of the way home so I could check on her.

I'm very grateful to say she's fine, and perfectly safe.

But this brought the three of us--myself, Mandy, and Sharon--to a realization.  We aren't just friends, we're sisters.  We realized--and agreed--that God forbid something were to happen, nothing would stop us from announcing ourselves to emergency personnel as family.  As sisters.

We are family.  And we're just good together.


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