Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Four Years Ago Today...

Here's a sweet little memory...

Four years ago today, Election Day 2008, I took Noah to Chik-Fil-A for lunch after I voted.  Halfway through lunch, I threw it up.  Realizing there was a pattern developing, I briefly allowed myself to entertain the possibility that I did not have the flu, that I might finally be pregnant, but I did not dare say it out loud yet.

A few days later, Shawn dared to whisper the same possibility out loud.

And the following week, we had conclusive evidence that the possibility was more than that.  We were finally pregnant.

And so began the story of Avery.

*Side note, just for giggles:  When I told the boys this story last night, I explained to Avery that it was the first hint that he was finally in my tummy.  When I got to the "throwing up" part, he exclaimed, "You frew me up in Chik FiwA?"  Gotta come up with a better way of explaining these things to a 3 year old.... 

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