Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blog Share

I really wanted to title this one "What's Wrong with Boys" just so I could yell, "NOTHING!  Nothing is wrong with boys" in my opening paragraph.  My intent here is to share a blog post written by another boy mommy, so I won't do that.... Oh, whoops.

If you can't tell, I'm feeling a little defensive again.  About having all boys.  The problem is, I'm not defensive, but I'm allowing other people's comments and opinions to eat at me.  Yesterday I answered the "Oh, another boy? I bet you were hoping for a girl this time, will you try again" question several times.  Seriously people, you gotta stop....  I just might throat punch the next person who brings this up.  There are times I entertain the idea of informing such people that we are quite certain the child we miscarried was our daughter.  That'll shut them up, right?  You're right, probably not.

As I answer with various forms "Actually, we're quite thrilled," "Hey, we asked God for a baby and that's what He's giving us," "A fourth child is really up to God," "After three boys, it really doesn't look like a girl is in the cards for us," all I can think is what if my boys heard this person?  My boys do not need to hear the implications that they are somehow inferior, and less preferred by their own mom, simply because they have penises rather than vaginas.  Hello?

My next question for these people is: Would you ask a mother of three girls if she will try for a fourth simply to have a boy?  The answer to that is no, you wouldn't.  My husband agreed--but said they would not hesitate to ask the dad.  Point taken, but we're talking about moms in this post.

Have I ever thought about having a daughter?  Sure. I argued with the sonogram tech at Noah's first sonogram.  With Avery, I almost did the same thing.  There was a time before we knew E is a boy that my friends and I entertained the idea that I could be the one to introduce the color pink into our fold; I think we all secretly knew he would be a boy, and we were okay with that.  Shawn and I have had her name picked out for over ten years.  I even caught Shawn watching a YouTube video about braiding hair....  But, would any of us, friends included, trade Noah, Avery or E for girls?  Absolutely not.

For me, this goes back to God giving us what we need.  I am delighted to be raising another boy.  I'm getting another child, how could I not be delighted? Being a mom is a privilege, regardless of the child's gender, and I'm grateful I get to do this again.  I hope this is something my boys will always know in their hearts.  There are so very many things I love about having boys, and I wouldn't trade this opportunity to be their mom for anything.

Anyway, back to the point of today's rant post.  That was the day I had yesterday.  This morning, while eating my 3 am cup of yogurt, I came across this post by another boy mommy.  Succinct, to the point, and perfectly put.  I can't thank this mom enough for saying exactly what I'm feeling.


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