Wednesday, February 3, 2016

This is Our Why

Yes, I'm here to beg again!  Avery is participating in a fundraiser through his school for the American Heart Association.

As you already know, heart illness has been a major focus of our lives over the past year.  Because of Ezra, this fundraiser has taken on an entirely new meaning for our family.  We are incredibly fortunate that we did not need any special services for Ezra.  He did not need any medical interventions or surgeries.  We were able to afford the best doctors and care for our child. We are grateful Ezra does not have any further complications or lasting affects.  We know the severity of it all, and we know how much worse it could've been.  We continue to be grateful it wasn't.

However, there are many families and children out there who aren't so fortunate.  They need those doctors, services, interventions and surgeries.  Many parents can't afford them.  I can't even begin to imagine what they must go through.  We are here to fundraise so those parents don't have to.  We are fundraising so they can concentrate on who is truly important, their children, and know they are covered.  We are fundraising because we can't imagine life without our own children, and don't want other parents to have to imagine that, either.  We are fundraising for cures, awareness and education.  We are fundraising because we now know this can hit any family at any time, without any warning, and we know the chaos it creates.

Please join our family in supporting this worthy fundraiser!  If you are able, we would greatly appreciate it if you would please visit Avery's fundraising page and make a donation.  Every penny counts! Also, please ask your employer if there's an Employee Matching Gift program, or search for your company at  If your employer has a Matching Gift program, just complete your employer's Matching Gift Form and send it to Avery's link.

Thank you, from the bottoms of our--well, from the bottoms of our hearts!!!

(deadline for donations is no later than February 29, 2016)

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