Saturday, August 13, 2016

Communication? What?

First, I should note that I am losing my hearing in my left ear.  Chances are good, even if you're standing next to me and talking, I can't hear what you're saying.  Imagine my family trying to talk to me from another room.  Now imagine there's a vacuum running, the music is on and the kids are running wild, and Shawn is trying to tell me something from another room.  Uh huh.  It's about like this:  

Shawn: "Wah wah, wah WAH!"

Me:  "Wow, thanks.  That's real nice of you."

Shawn:  "What?  What do you mean?"

Me:  "You called me a gorilla!"

Shawn:  "No I didn't!  I said I don't think I want to grill outside in this 100 degree heat!"

Me:  "Oh."

Shawn:  "What did you think I said?"

Me:  "I thought you called me a gorilla.  It sounded like you were telling Ezra he's got a gorilla for a mom!"

Shawn:  "Would you PLEASE see Dr Silva about your hearing?!?!?!"


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