Monday, July 31, 2017

We're All Crazy Here

Sometimes when we go out, we're a little loud.  Okay, okay, ALL the time when we go out we're a little loud.  Good grief, the other day in Walmart, we were THAT family.  I was THAT mom with THOSE kids.  The boys were loud and unruly, Ezra wanted nothing to do with sitting in the cart as long as his brothers were allowed to walk and run and touch things, and I just generally felt as if I'd taken a few mental patients on a field trip.

There are times I can go with the flow, just laugh it off and even join in their fun, and other times I'm too tired and.  Just.  Want.  Them.  To.  Behave.  NOW.  PLEASE. DAMMIT.

We do take our crazy everywhere.  We aren't discriminatory at all.  It just kind of hangs out.  We seldom bother tucking it back in.

What always makes me laugh is when people get up and move away from us in waiting rooms.

It happened twice last week. Just so you know, that's not a record. 

The first time, an older woman made a scene out of it, saying to her friend, "I'M GOING TO GO MOVE OVER THERE!"  In the very small waiting room, I wanted to yell back, "LET ME KNOW IF IT'S ANY QUIETER OVER THERE!"  With much harrumphing and rearranging of her things, she stomped an entire ten feet to the other side of the waiting room, presumably to the quieter side, away from my loud, boisterous, exuberant children, all the while glaring at me for not controlling them better.  I just smiled sweetly. Kill them with kindness, right?


The second time, in a different office, the woman was much quieter about it as she moved her children away from mine.  I'm sure she was afraid they might catch whatever mine have.  See, the thing was, this time, we were in the neuropsychiatrist's office.  That means they already have what mine have.


It rolls off me now.  It used to bother me and I let it upset me.  I wanted to demand they come and sit back down and put up with my precious princes.  Now I'm sassy and sarcastic, and just shy of not holding in the comebacks that pop into my head.  Noah is old enough to notice now, and we share a good laugh over the situation.  Sometimes, if the person is being especially petty, and my kids are just being their age and not being brats, I join in, you know, because I'm mature that way.  Just smile and wave, boys.  Smile and wave.  I've taught my kids to let their freak flags fly, and to be proud of being themselves--I'm not going to allow a few judgmental brats to take that away from my kids!

So yeah, we have the pick of waiting room chairs.  We have room to spread out and put our feet up.  And we kind of like it that way.

People, we're all crazy here.  It's not a competition.

1 comment:

  1. Kids certainly keep us humble! I completely laughed when I saw this. I have been there and continue to be there. I Love when people are obviously inconvenienced by Elliot's size. Yes, I am sorry you have to step around his legs, but seriously how would you prefer him to fold his legs up for you??? I would sit next to your family in any waiting room...


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