Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Do You Spell A-M-A-Z-I-N-G?

That might sound like a dumb question.  You're thinking, "Well, Amy's spellcheck must be broken.  Time for her to buy the newest edition of Webster's."  Or maybe you're thinking I really shouldn't be homeschooling my children if I can't spell such simple words!


Lately, I've been spelling AMAZING, G-O-D-'S - G-R-A-C-E.  I see His amazing grace everywhere.  When my single mom friends balance their checkbooks down to the last penny and one child needs lunch money that another child manages to pull out of the couch cushions, I see His grace.  When another single mom friend had a bill she didn't know how she was going to pay and found random money in the bottom of her purse--almost to the amount she needed--I see His grace (yes, I call that God, not luck).  When we were told that between the illnesses and meds, there wouldn't be anymore babies, then we were heard that sweet word,  REMISSION, then that even sweeter cry of a newborn baby who wasn't supposed to be and as I watch Avery plow through life ("HULK SMASH!"), I see His grace.  When my feet hit the floor in the morning without the help of my husband, I see His grace.   When I see the look of sheer delight on Noah's face while he sits on top of Molly, conquering AS one day at a time, I see his grace.  When I go to bed at night knowing all is right with my world, I see His grace.  

Easter is upon us and it gets me thinking about everything Jesus went through for me and how often I take it for granted.  It gets me thinking about how much I take God's grace for granted.  I am ashamed and embarrassed by my behavior.  There is a song out right now and one of the lyrics just really slammed me: "I am the nails in your wrist, yet you love me anyway."  WOW.  Of all the blessings and gifts I have been given, above all else, I was given LIFE, and not just any old life, but ETERNAL LIFE.  Not only was I given it, I accepted it and pledged to live a life that shows it.  As the saying goes, time the buck up, babe.  

I'm sure at times I sound like a broken record, but most of you don't know me from when I was really, down and dirty sick.  I lost a LOT and I came close to losing even more.  And when I look at what I've gained in its place, I can't help but be
AWE-stuck.  AH-mazed.  AWE-mazed.  

So, tell me:  How do you spell A-M-A-Z-I-N-G?

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