Sunday, April 10, 2011

We Pass This Way But Once

*Disclaimer: I don't normally feel the need to share these kinds of stories, but I've been laughing about it ever since Friday and everyone else I've told has been laughing about it, so for whatever reason, I am sharing a fart story.  Please forgive me!*

I love our pediatrician.  She completely gets my off-the-wall sense of humor and has always taken my maternal neuroses with a grain of salt.   She is also a practicing Christian, which has become more and more important to me over the last several years. We get along well.

I had to take Avery in last week for a double ear infection.  He had been running a fever on and off throughout the week, so he hadn't been eating, which also meant there hadn't been any action in his diaper, if you catch my drift.  As his doctor and I were sitting knee to knee while she examined him, Avery sitting on my lap, my son proceeded to let out the longest and loudest gaseous explosion I have heard in my life.  He batted his little baby blues the way he does when he's doing something he knows  he shouldn't be doing.  All we could do was wait it out.  His doctor rolled her stool back a little bit (she is not phased by anything), raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you finished yet?"  I really expected him to put his finger up in a "hold on a minute" motion at this point.  Avery finally heaved a huge sigh (including his shoulders) and said, "Niiiice."  Gee, I don't know where he learned THAT from.

Our pediatrician burst into laughter, tears rolling down her face and apologized to me, saying, "I'm sorry, I can't help it!  It's been a long day and this was just too much!"  Our pediatrician's long day was 11:30 in the morning.  She was laughing so hard she could barely finish Avery's examination.  I could still hear her giggling when she left our room and telling the nurses the story as we left.   For once, I was glad for gross bodily functions.

I admit it, I am completely powerless
against this little face!


  1. Too funny! You simply have to laugh at experiences like that! There is nothing else to do! :)

  2. Hahahaha! That's great!


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