Friday, November 18, 2011

A Dog and Her Boy

Noah and his dog, Gretta, are attached at the hip.  They've been together since they were both 3 years old and are inseparable.  Noah loves her with all of his heart and is very sensitive about her aging process.  I'm pretty sure that Gretta returns his love with all of her heart.  It breaks my heart to know she is not aging well and in so much pain from her hips.  Shawn and I have discussed a variety of ways to help Noah through her death, including getting another dog while we still have Gretta, but nothing seems like the right thing to do.  It would just be so much easier if we could ensure she'd live pain-free forever.....

I recently had a very heart-breaking conversation with Noah.  I told him that Gretta needs a new bed for Christmas and suggested we go look at orthopedic dog beds.  He got a very solemn look on his face, then told me he's very afraid for Gretta's health.  He's very worried that she won't make it much longer.  Against my hopes, Noah has noticed that she is falling more, having more difficulty walking and seems to be in more pain than usual.  Gretta is also developing cataracts and losing her hearing. Then he told me that he's afraid a new bed will be wasted on a dog who might die soon.  My poor kid.

I took Noah aside, and looking in his eyes as best I can with him, I told him that whether Gretta is able to give us 5 more days or 5 more years, she deserves the best we can give her in the meantime.  She deserves to be as comfortable as we can make her and to be well loved.

Noah seemed to accept this answer.  And I'm learning to be a behind-the-scenes mom.   I have a call into Noah's counselor so I can talk to him about this whole conversation.  I'm going to suggest we bring Gretta with us to next week's session, so he can work Noah's worries into their conversation.  I'm hoping they can work on some good coping skills for Noah.  Shawn will be going with us, so he will be there to get Gretta in and out of the car, and up the stairs to the offices, if necessary.

We are also blessed--once again--but the ministry I work with.  Our "second-in-command" has a true heart for animals and their owners.  When the need arises, she is there to facilitate a pet-loss support group.  I know she is praying for Noah and Gretta, and will be there for Noah when the inevitable happens.

Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers!

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