Sunday, March 11, 2012


The day Avery was born, I was looking at his tiny little hands and his beautiful little fingers, just in awe of my new son.  Then I started crying, emotional hot mess that I was!  The nurse came in to check on me and asked what was wrong.  I told her I had realized that one day, Avery's tiny left finger would have a wedding band on it and he wouldn't be my little boy anymore.  Obviously used to dealing with hysterical postpartum moms, she patted my shoulder and said, "It's alright dear.  How about if we just get him breastfeeding nicely before we start worrying about things like that, okay?"

That was 2 1/2 years ago.  Avery has gone from sweet smelling baby to stinky little boy. There are days I want to stomp my feet and say, "This isn't fair!  Shouldn't you still be only 2 1/2 days old?!"  Then of course, there are the days I start counting down until he leaves for college!  As long as it took us to have him, it just seems as though the world should have the courtesy of slowing down just a bit so we can savor our moments with him a little longer.  Instead, it feels as though time has flown, and continues to fly.  We've been through so much for him and so much with him.  He has hurdled over milestone after milestone, and doesn't show any sign of slowing down.  He still needs me, but he is slowly becoming more independent.  I watch him grow and blossom, and I love what I'm seeing.

But...  He's my BABY!

This week I turned in the preschool registration form for my baby.  Another milestone, more growing and blossoming...  And another step away from me.

Can you tell I'm not handling this well????

I know he will love it at this school, and that he will do well.  I know the teachers and director well, and Avery is already familiar with the church, as this is where he goes to daycare. It's a good place, full of good people with big hearts.

Over the next several months, in preparation for preschool, the rest of Avery's baby-ness will fall away.  We'll potty train, move to a big boy bed and lose the pacifiers for good.  His vocabulary will continue to grow, he will outgrow yet another set of pants and shirts, and he'll drink from a big boy cup without spilling (maybe).  He will officially go from toddler to little boy.  My husband reassures me though, that like all boys, Avery will never outgrow his need for me, his mommy.

He will always be my big little boy.

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