Saturday, March 24, 2012

Super Hubby

With me in Maine, my husband has had to be on his toes this week.  He took vacation in order to have undistracted time with our boys, and I have to tell you...  I think the dear man is tired! 

First, let me tell you that yes, I realize my husband is among the VERY FEW who would do this for his wife.  I completely understand how blessed I am to have a much-needed week away from my family so I can have time with my extended family without the 'interruptions' of my children.  My husband truly blesses me in so many ways, beginning with understanding how hard I work in our home as his wife, mom to our boys and the countless other roles I fill. 

Shawn took on my role completely this week (although I think he put his foot down at wearing my apron!), from chauffering Noah to his various appointments and activities, to cooking meals and doing the weekly shopping.  Now, my husband is a very hands-on dad to begin with, but to 'see' him fully take on both of our children so I can do something that is very important to me has been a gift. My grandmother has repeatedly said what a good man Shawn is to let me do something like this (of course, I laugh at the word "let" just a little, as if my poor husband ever stood a chance against his stubborn wife!), saying, "Most husbands and fathers just aren't good like he is!  They wouldn't know what to do with their children!"  Yes Nanny, I know.

I've laughed during several of our phone conversations this week--not at Shawn of course, but with him.  One night he called me back after putting the boys to bed so we could have a few minutes of uninterrupted time on the phone; "Geez," he said, "It's like playing Whack-A-Mole, trying to put them to bed by myself!  It's definitely easier with both of us here!"  Another night he was taking care of some personal business as we talked, and I said, "Really honey?  That couldn't have waited?"  He replied that the boys had kept him so busy all day that he hadn't had time to take care of these things during the day!  I laughed and said, "Really?!  Hmmm.  What's that like?!"  And yet another night, he actually fell asleep while we were talking!  He tossed Avery in the shower with him most days because he couldn't figure out how to keep him safe and out of trouble while he showered.  He asked me what I do (now that Avery knows how unlock and open doors, and chain locks are a moot point, given that he climbs and moves furniture).  I said, "Well, I stick him in front of a tv show and hope that keeps him occupied, safe and out of trouble, then thoroughly inspect the house when I get out!"  Shawn did say how much he's loved being able to spend that valuable during-the-day time with Avery. He taught Avery how to pedal his tricycle this week, and there were a few other things he would have usually missed out on by being at work during the day.

As I've always said, my husband gives credit where it's due, so he acknowledges that being Avery's and Noah's mom--and Shawn's wife--is not always an easy job.  He also acknowledges that most days it's a thankless job.  This week, I heard my husband mumble something about not being able to do my job with the finesse with which I accomplish it (seriously though, most days, 'finesse' probably isn't the word I would use!).  When I left last week, he was upset because he felt I wasn't giving him enough credit for being able to take care of his sons.  I told him I know he absolutely is capable of doing so, and he does a fine job of it, but I didn't think he realized how tired he was going to be.  Before I left, he went to the hardware store in search of materials for several home-improvement projects with the concern that he would be bored while I was gone.  I don't think he has that concern any longer!

Shawn has always had the understanding that my job isn't always easy, but I think after this week, he really "gets" it, finally.  He will now understand why, at 9 pm, when I say I'm going to bed, it's not because I don't want to be with him, but it's because I need to be able to function the next day.  He will now understand why, by most Friday afternoons, I've just had it, I'm done, I'm cooked, I'm fried.  He will now understand why I need him to take Noah to Scouts, why I'm so exhausted by 3 but I have to find a second wind as the second half of my day is just beginning when Noah gets home from school, or has appointments, or on the days Avery doesn't nap.  Now he understands why I get upset if he doesn't call to let me know he's running late from work (ie, why I depend on him to be home), and why I'm just plain exhausted when I've had to "single mom it."   Shawn understands all of this because he's now experienced it all firsthand.

Super Hubby has done a superb job of being a great husband and dad this week, but it sounds a little bit like maybe it's time for Super Mommy to come home and start working her magic again!  I think Shawn will be so happy to see his co-workers on Monday morning, they won't know what hit them.  And, if you want the truth, Super Mommy is ready to be home.  I've had a great time here, but I miss my three favorite guys, their loves and even all their craziness!  And really, what mom is able to relax and enjoy herself knowing her youngest is crying and asking for her?!  Yep, it's time to go home!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Super Hubby! What a blessing to have such a strong, supportive man in your life. Thank God for men who know what it means to be a real man. ;) Jodi B


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