Thursday, April 10, 2014

Please Help!

Noah has been (horse) riding with a local therapy center for three years now.  I can't even begin to put into words what this center has done not just for Noah, but for our entire family--and really, I can't even talk about it without breaking down in tears.  Rainbow is such an amazing, incredible place, filled with amazing, incredible people and horses.  We owe so much to this place.

When Noah was first diagnosed, we went through OT, PT, speech therapy, social skills therapy, counseling--and none of it worked.  None of it captured Noah's interest or held his attention.  They were all things we were making him do.  Frustrated, I emailed a friend from church, knowing she rides, and asked her if she could tell me of any local equine therapy centers.  As God would have it, she was an instructor at the very one where Noah is!  I don't believe in luck here, this was all God, the way things have fallen into place, and just worked so well in Noah's favor.  Miss J worked so hard to establish Noah with another instructor who appreciates Noah's abilities, and she also established him with scholarships.  Tuition for equine therapy is by no means cheap, and it has not always been affordable for us.  We are beyond grateful to be part of the scholarship program.

To see Noah successful, naturally successful--I don't know how to explain it.  He struggled for so long with so much, but from the very first time he was on a horse (Molly was his first!), he was just born to do it.  The horse is a mere extension of Noah, both of working together, sensing each other, and just being.  Not only is Noah riding, but he has also begun working on horsemanship (groundwork, think: horse whispering).  These horses seem to grasp the extraordinary value of themselves and the work they do, and everyone there, from the administrators and board of directors, to the instructors and volunteers, is there for the kids.  It's all about the riders, and what's best for them.  I have seen children with delays learn to spell from on top of a horse, children with balance and coordination problems ride without help, nonverbal children speak--and just so much more.

So--my point to all of this--Noah has a fun show coming up in June, a chance to show off his skills and win some ribbons!  Noah, and Rainbow, need your help!  Rainbow is non-profit, and needs all the fundraising it can get.  If you are looking for a worthwhile place to donate your money, I am asking you to consider doing so to Rainbow in Noah's honor.  If you own your own business/company and would like to sponsor Noah, or a specific show class, you can do that as well!  You can go straight to their website, and donate through their website:

Last year's fun show:  Noah won two ribbons from his show classes!

Here are two forms you can also use as reference, and a mailing address.

THANK YOU is not enough--but, THANK YOU, for your donation and consideration.  We are incredibly grateful!

The Furr Family

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy! I'll make a donation and I'll see if my boss wants to sponsor with an ad. We have representation in that area. But I'll go through PayPal on Monday to donate. If I don't donate by Tuesday, come looking for me because I forget everything. I love you and your beautiful family.


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