My oldest is fifteen today. FIF-TEEN. 15. (fifteen) Can you tell I'm having some difficulty with this?
I don't know where to start. Noah is the child we didn't know we needed. I heard Natalie Grant refer to her youngest daughter that way last year; for years I had struggled with exactly how to talk about Noah, and her reference nailed it. Most people would use that to describe their last (surprise) child, but we use it to describe our very first (surprise!) child. Noah was planned, but further into the future than when he arrived. He was wanted, but at the time, I could not fathom just how much I needed him, this boy of mine who has taught me lasting lessons about life, myself and how to be the kind of mom my children need. Noah was my first maternal introduction to God's timing and purpose, not my own. My life would be tragically different without Noah. While he surprised us, I will never say he was unexpected, unwanted or unplanned. He was the child we did not struggle to conceive, but just like his brothers, he was desperately wanted. At the time, we knew we weren't ready to be parents, weren't even sure we were ready to be married, and we relied even less on God and His perfect timing. We did know that we wanted this baby, but that was about all we knew. We've been very open with Noah about this; we don't ever want him to think we got married because we had to, or had him because we had to. The circumstances don't change the fact that he is just as wanted, loved, prayed for and needed as his brothers.
When I say Noah took us by surprise, he's kind of been consistent with that his entire life. When you have a child, you tend to not think of the things that could go 'wrong.' Instead, you envision a perfect life with a cherubic little baby who sleeps through the night from the beginning, never gets sick, and is always happy. Enter Noah. Enter reality. When I say that we had no clue how to be parents, I'm also pretty sure he had no clue how to be a baby.
Years later, we were finally able to tie it all together--his quirks, awkwardness, behavior challenges--with a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome. It explained his infancy, his childhood, and the challenges we faced raising him, as well as the challenges he faced in being him.
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