Sunday, July 10, 2016

Someone Needs This

Dear One,
I do not know your name, but I know you need to hear these words.  I want you to listen and take heart, please.

You are needed.  You are loved.  You are wanted.  You deserve better than the life you are living right now.  You deserve better than the way you are thinking about yourself right now.  You deserve better than the way you are treating yourself right now.  Right now, someone is praying for you.

Stop believing the enemy of your soul.  Stop listening to the lies he whispers to you.  He doesn't speak the truth about you!  You are worthy!

I know it's hard.  I know some days you can't even get out of bed.  I know you don't want to look in the mirror because you hate what you see.  I know you hide from your friends, and you've stopped going to class and work.  You don't answer your texts or your phone calls.  I know you aren't eating properly, if at all.  You've stopped taking care of yourself, and you've just shut down.  I know it's hard.

I know what you're thinking.  It would just be easier if you didn't wake up next time you go to sleep.

I know all of this because one time I was where you are.  I understand you.  I hear you.  I see you.  Any excuse you can give me, any reason you can give me--I've been there.

Please, do this for me--whatever you're thinking, whatever you're planning--promise me this--put it on hold an hour.  You can do an hour.  Then put it off another hour.  You know what I'm talking about. Don't act like you don't.  After you put it off an hour and then another hour, put it off a day.  Yes, that old cliched saying, "one day at a time."

Now, I want you to take a long, hard look--do you really want this for your loved ones?  You may think suicide will end your pain, but dear one, it is only the very beginning of theirs.  Yes, don't argue with me--there are people who love you.  You would be so terribly missed.  Your niece who looks up to you, your husband who can't go on without you, your children who would grow up without you--and you, dear child, please don't make your parents bury you.  I can't even begin to put words into the pain they would go through.  

You think you can't go on.  You can, love, you can. I know it's tough--but you, you are tougher.  There is a purpose here, a reason.   When you come through this--you are already a shining star, you are already beautiful, you are already amazing--but when you come through this, there is so much more to life for you.

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