Monday, November 14, 2016

You Deserve Him

Dearest One,

There is someone I know.  I know him well.  I love him dearly, he's been so good to me.  He followed me, pursued me for years.  I resisted him.  I was raised with him--although later on I learned I didn't know him the way I thought I did--but I got to the point I really defied him.  I was just so angry at him!  As an adult, a friend told me it was okay to be angry at him, for he already knew the depth of my anger-- and the depth of his love could cover it. I wanted nothing to do with him, unless it was to blame him and point my finger at him for the way I felt my life was turning out.

My friend told me he knew what was best for my life, and I needed to learn to trust him.  Trusting anyone was not my strong point, and it took me a long time.  If this man knew what was best for me, why did so much of it feel like pain and hurt?  What could possibly come from any of that?

I did learn to trust.  And I learned to learn.  I learned to listen.

This Man became Healer.  Teacher.  Father--Abba, Daddy.  He became Joy, Calm, King.  He calls me Daughter, Beloved.  He died for me, because I am so important to Him.  He has promised me eternal life--and all He wants in return is me.  All of me. He is Hope, and Beauty, Grace and Mercy, Wisdom and Guidance. He is Provider, Power, Redeemer.  He is Creator.  When others fail me, He is my Constant.  Most importantly, HE.  IS.  LOVE.

You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.  Psalm 32:7

Precious one, these are the very same things He is for you.  Do you know that He died just for you, also?  You are so priceless to Him that He knows the very hairs on your head. When earthly ones fail you, He is there, Father, Friend, Faithful.  He is our example of what a gentleman should be, and how we deserve to be treated.

Fear not, for I am have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.  Isaiah 43:1

You are worthy of Him.  You deserve so much better than the way you are being treated right now, and He wants you to know that.  This is not how He intended life for you.  Let Him in.  Call Him into your heart.  Let Him show you the way.  You are deserve Him, you are worth it.  Don't try to wrap your head around His unconditional love after years of abuse, because even a person who hasn't experienced abuse can't comprehend it.  For the longest time I wanted to know WHY He loves me, and the answer is "He just does.  Because you are His child." You don't have to earn it, you don't have to keep it, you don't have to dance through hoops.  He created you, and He loves you.

I love you so very much, and it hurts me so much to see you in pain.  I know you're hurting.  As much as it hurts me, I know it hurts Him even more.  As much as I cry for you, I know He cries even more.  Let Him in.  He cares for you, and loves you so very much.

Love Always,

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