Avery has been battling anxiety to the nth degree for the past two
and a half years, so this morning, when I found myself running through the
front yard with him, both of us screaming, "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU"
while I carried a shovel and he carried a potted plant, I hardly batted an eye.
I should probably back up a bit.
Avery was always my fearless child, until almost three years ago.
Shawn and I can't pinpoint it, but we think it might have had something
to do with a surgery he had. He began having nightmares and started
sleeping in our bed, became fearful of leaving us, became fearful of bugs and
anything that crawls--his list of anxieties suddenly began to rival that of the
tv character Adrian Monk from the old tv show Monk. Things only got worse
when we moved, and everything--EVERYTHING, results in meltdowns. Some
days we can go through upwards of five or six meltdowns.
Side Note: *If you don't know
the differences between a meltdown and temper tantrum, please learn them.
Not every 'brat' in the grocery store is tantruming, and not every 'poor
child' in the grocery store is melting down.*
There are days I know it's a good thing
I'm not a drinker because, well, it wouldn't be pretty. Hey, just being
honest here--I'm a mom, not a martyr.
We're working on things with the help of counseling, psychiatry,
Avery's school, a lot of lean
on me when you're not strong friends,
some really great books, our church, and our own weird ways of doing things.
Sometimes we have to make Avery face his fear head on, and sometimes I
have to take a page from my own childhood, going back to what I know I needed
when I faced these things, and just hug him through it, rather than abandoning
him with his fear and meltdown.
Back to this morning.
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