Tuesday, April 11, 2017

It Takes All Kinds--and Thank Goodness

These days, with social media and the news at the touch of our fingertips, we have access to just about anything at the drop of a hat.

This also means we, and others, are open to kudos, pats on the back--and sharp criticisms.  

The other night, my eyes were opened to a man in Aleppo who is doing his best to save the animals left behind by those fleeing to safety.  He began with just cats, but the government has since given him the zoo animals, and he's begun taking care of all animals on the streets, as well.  This man is doing his best to care for the zoo animals without the benefit of an education in caring for such animals, feed all of the animals without the benefit of the finances to do so, care for their wounds without the benefit of professional veterinary care, and just show them love in this war-torn country.  Naturally, all of the street animals are scared, hungry, many are injured and sick, and they've turned feral.  When there are many people digging through the rubble for human survivors (thank You, GOD), there is one man digging through for animal survivors.  I believe, without a doubt, he benefits from it also, having lost everyone dear to him in the first attacks. These animals are why he stays, despite the danger to himself.  This man shines the bright light of HOPE during a time of horrible, awful, unthinkable ongoing tragedy.  This precious man is doing his personal best.

As I read through the comments, however, person after person slammed this man for not helping people, and even for not escaping to his own safety. People were laughing at him, calling him names. Why isn't he doing this for children?  Why is he wasting his time on cats and dogs?  Why isn't he rescuing humans?  This man is an idiot!  

Here's the thing I've learned.  It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round.  Some people are meant to rescue baby goats with special needs.  Others are meant for cats, or dogs, horses, whales or gorillas.  Other people are meant to put their efforts towards conservation and education.  And then, yes, there are many others mean to save the human race.  You name it, there is a person for every need out there.  Thank you, Jesus.

Everyone has their calling, and bless them for following those callings.  Bless them for listening to God, their hearts, their instincts, or whoever their higher powers may be.  And thank God they do--can you imagine a world without that one thing it is they are meant to rescue, save and conserve?  

We need each and every person, and each and every one of us has a purpose. Don't belittle a person and his calling simply because it doesn't align with yours--and perhaps more importantly, don't miss your own calling because you are too busy mocking someone else's.    

It takes all kinds to save all kinds, and thank God for that.  

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