Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Online Petition

Our military is sworn to defend and protect against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

On February 14, 2018, that is exactly what Peter Wang, a 15 year old JROTC student, did.  Peter protected staff members, and his fellow students and friends against a domestic enemy inside their school.  The very school in which they were supposed to not only feel safe, but be safe.  Peter died holding the door open so students and staff could quickly and safely escape the gunman terrorizing them.

Peter died in the line of duty.

Let's honor this young man.  Let's show Peter's family how grateful we are for his service to his school.  There is a petition being circulated so Peter may receive a burial with full military honors.  I believe in my heart this young man earned it.  The past few days, I've read about Peter's life, and his aspirations.  I believe he would have gone on to have become quite the soldier; already at 15, though, he's made his country proud.

Please, I encourage you to sign the petition. I know not everyone will agree with me, and that's okay. I would like to encourage you to think about it, pray about it, and if it is in your heart to do so, to then sign this petition.

Thank you.


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