Monday, February 12, 2018

Simply, I Love You

This one has been rolling around in my head for a while.  Valentine's week seemed like a good time to finally let it out.

The christian radio station we listen to gives listeners the opportunity to dedicate air time to loved ones.  Many times, I hear parents dedicating air time to their children, saying, "I love you," and "I'm proud of you."  I think it's wonderful--until the parent goes on to list the child's many accolades, as though they are the reasons for the parent's love.

My hope is this is not how it is meant, but having once been a child, I know this is often how it is understood.  Too frequently it seems, I hear "I love you because (fill in the blank)."

It saddens me!  It frustrates me!  It upsets me.

It really frosts my cupcakes (with extra frosting), and usually results in me dragging my soapbox out.

God does not list our achievements when He says He loves us.  He loves us because we are His.  God's love for us is unconditional and limitless.  When God smiles at you with parental pride, it is not because you received a promotion at work or you are mother of the year, it is because you are His child!  It really is that simple.  He loves us when we're lying in the dirtiest gutter, unclean in every way imaginable, and when we've come clean at the altar.  Our Father rejoices over us!

If my children learn nothing else from me, I want them to learn my love for them is unconditional.  My pride in them is not a result of their successes.  Do I congratulate them and make a big deal out of their accomplishments?  Of course I do.  I'm their biggest cheerleader.  But is my love, or my pride, based on anything they do in life?  Absolutely not.

So, when I look at my children, when I smile at them, when I rejoice over them, when I am proud of them, when I express my love for them, it is simply because they are my sons.  There are so many things I love about them, but the plain and simple reason I love them is because they are mine.

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