Thursday, February 15, 2018

Where is Your God Now?

We've all seen the news.

Another shooting.  

More children are dead.

Politicos using a mother's dead child for their platforms.  Celebrities-turned-self-proclaimed-advocates sparking Twitter wars.  Hatred being spewed, factions choosing their sides, fingers being pointed.  The parents who can, holding their kids a little tighter, a little longer.  No, please don't let go yet.   

Heads are shaking.  Tears are falling.  Hearts are breaking.  Mothers' arms are empty.

Perhaps the most poignant questions being flung at Christians--again--

Where was your God?
Why didn't your mighty God stop this?  
How are those thoughts and prayers working now?

I don't know (m)any of the answers, but I do know this:  
God was there.  

God was there, holding the hands of the frightened parents and their children, who were literally running for their lives.  He was there, comforting those who lay dying, and welcoming them as they entered into Heaven.  He was there in the guise of the first responders and the staff members, saving lives and keeping more from being hurt.  He was present in the prayers reaching Florida from around the world.

God was there, shaking his fist in anguish at human fallacy, arrogance and free will. He was there as the world wondered at His abandonment.  God was there as Jesus wept.  

God was there with the parents whose children were not there at the end of the day.  

In the coming days, we will hear stories of heroic acts and lives saved.  We will hear stories of God in action.

Yes, I'm telling you--God was there.  

I cannot explain the mind of a young man hellbent on terror and killing, a young man who made an angry, tragic choice.  But as I sit here at 2:30 am in tears, unable to sleep, completely wrecked by this, please don't tell me my God doesn't exist.  Please don't tell me my prayers don't matter.  You do you, and I'll do me.

God is still here.

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