Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sometimes the Lesson You're Learning isn't for You

As humans we tend to be quite 'me first.'  It does not help how me-centered our society has quickly become.  Let's admit it--I'll go first--even as parents.  Yes.  Go ahead.  Say it out loud, all together now!

So when a lesson comes along, naturally, we stop, drop to our knees, tilt our heads skyward, and cry out, "What am I supposed to be learning from this, God?  Didn't I learn this last week?  Aren't I already applying this to my life?  ARE. YOU. EVEN. KIDDING. ME. RIGHT. NOW????"

Me first.  Me centered.

Then it clicks.  The light bulb turns on.  Ohhhh.  "I see what You're doing here, God!"  You exchange a knowing look with the Great Father Above, click your heels, smile to yourself, and keep going on your way, tucking that little lesson away for future use.

Now you know.  You understand.

Because you're going to use that lesson--oh yes, you're going to use it, alright.  *wink wink, nod, nod*

Sometimes, that lesson you're in the midst of learning isn't necessarily about you. It is there for you to place in your 'go bag.'  It may not be something you need your eyes opened wide to in your own life, but it will be something you might need to apply in love to someone else's life, or help that person learn and apply to her own.  A mom will need to hear she is not alone in her struggle.  Perhaps she needs to give the opinions of others the big old "Screw you!"  She is doing the best she can.  An uncaring or ignorant person will need his/her heart opened to non-judgment of the next struggling person, and instead, maybe offer an encouraging word, or better yet, offer help.  It could be that friend who needs the courage to finally see the doctor, or someone who just needs a really good laugh.

Please understand I'm not talking about always getting in someone's face, but leading by example, with love.  By writing like I do, by being that gentle hand on a shoulder, by being that caring face or word, by grabbing the groceries and saying, "How about if I carry these for you, or I can hold them here at the curb while you load your child and you can pull your car around?" By asking what you can do to help--by just being Jesus' hands and feet.  By just showing another person that someone does care in this lonely world.

Very many times over the past 17 years, other moms have come alongside me as mentors and dear friends, teaching and helping me with lessons they've learned on my account.  Did they know they were learning them for me at the time?  Most likely not.  It's typically a hindsight thing.  I will be honest, even as I share this wisdom with others, I'm still in the position of needing to have it shared with me, and learning. And I'm ever so grateful.  You know who you are!

As things have evolved and I've grown in motherhood, I've noticed a progression in recent years. It's become my turn to pay it forward.  It's a joy of mine.  It's a blessing.  When it happens, and that hindsight kicks in, I exchange that knowing look with God and say, "Oh!  You almost had me there! Nooowwww I get it!!"

Please don't give up on that lesson.  There is someone who needs it, and there is someone who needs your love with it.  Please be that Someone for someone.

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