Thursday, May 7, 2020

Faith Like My Boy

When I became a mom, I envisioned myself as the teacher in our relationships.  I would be the mom to impart all the knowledge, and then some, upon my children!  I imagined myself as the wise adult, helping my children grasp everything they would need to know for adulthood.

Good grief, how wrong I was!

I quickly learned I'm not always the teacher.

Many, many times, so very often, I am the student and my children are my teachers.

My kids are my mentors, my professors, opening my eyes to things I could never imagine.  Daily, they teach me more than I could ever hope to teach them.  I am but a mere pupil.

I frequently forget important lessons.  Sometimes, there are lessons I haven't learned at all yet.

And God uses my kids in amazing ways to educate me.  

Yesterday, while at the vet for Elijah, I was reassuring Avery.  I told him the doctor would make his duck better and we would all get through this.  My teary boy stopped for a minute, looked me square in the eyes and firmly, confidently replied, "NO, Mom. GOD is going to make Elijah better."

And I have no doubt that God hears Avery's prayers and is already busy answering them.

Oh, to have the kind of faith Avery reminds me to have, time after time after time.  This boy of mine. It's such a privilege, being his mom--as well as his student--getting to raise him, having this front row seat to his life and his love for Jesus.  

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