Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One Proud Mama: Noah's Baptism

Several weeks ago, Noah made the very adult decision to be baptized.  He went through the four week class with our church's awesome Children's Ministry leader, Miss Melissa (if you can't tell, Shawn and I adore her), did the homework, made the commitment and he was ready.  Shawn and I talked with him about the seriousness of his commitment and felt that Noah was ready for this.  We were so excited for our son and so proud!  My mom flew down from Maine for the big day and Noah invited his Cub Scout leader (one of his second mamas; I call her The Noah Whisperer), who is also a good family friend.  It was a special day for our son and all of his special, important people were there.

First though, we had to buy the swim trunks for Noah's special day.  I started out a month before the big day, just in case we ran into a hitch.  Most times, a shopping trip with a specific agenda can lead to a meltdown for Noah if we don't find what he needs at the first store.  Many times, he'll settle for what he really doesn't want, or try to talk me into something smaller, bigger or different just so he can leave the first store with something.  As we drove to Target, I said a prayer, "Please God, let us find appropriate swim trunks.  Please do this for Noah."  As we walked into Target, I explained to Noah that we had plenty of time to try other stores and that he shouldn't get his hopes up, just in case we didn't find the right thing right away.  I told him I wanted his special day to be as perfect as possible, right down to his swim trunks and swim shirt, so I was willing to search to the ends of the earth until we found them!  In the boys' section, all I could see were swim trunks with pirate motifs for miles.  I thought, "Come on God, work with me here!"  Thank goodness pirates weren't what Noah saw!  He zeroed in on the perfect pair immediately:  a blue pair with a Diary of a Wimpy Kid motif that had the phrase, "I'm pretty much one of the best people I know."  "MOM!  I FOUND THEM!  THEY'RE PERFECT!"  Once I had calmed Noah down and smiled reassuringly at all the people staring at us, I smiled at my more-than-happy son and assured him that yes, they absolutely were the perfect pair of swim trunks for his baptism.  Thank you God, for answered prayers!!!

The morning of Noah's baptism, we had a meeting before church so the children being baptized would understand what would happen and how it would happen.  Pastor Nick, our associate pastor, also wanted to go over a few things with the children about who should be baptized, why and how.  Pastor Dick, our executive pastor, and Miss Melissa, along with the families of the children and the adults being baptized, also sat in on the class.  Shawn and I were so proud of Noah as he answered questions, helped read the Bible passages and asked good questions.  He was having fun (everyone was; our church is very child and family oriented, so this session was good for the children) and being a good little boy, but was really taking this seriously!  The only silly question he asked was if he could be baptized by cannonball....  Only Noah!  At one point, Pastor Dick looked over at Noah and asked, "How old is that kid?!" because of the answers he was giving.  Pastor Nick went over what he and Pastor Dick would be asking, what the reply should be and then said if anyone had a testimony to give, they could.  Noah quickly raised his hand and said he had one.  Shawn and I shot each quizzical looks, both of us making the mental note to corner Noah and have him run his testimony by us (which we did).  We learned the hard way at a Cub Scout meeting several years ago that if you give Noah the floor, he will run the show.
After church, we moved to a pool at a church family's home for the baptisms. Noah felt it was his duty to cheer everyone on (thank goodness everyone knows Noah and is understanding....).  When it was his turn, the look on his face told us how cold the water was!  I can't remember a recent time when I've been so proud of my son.  My son declared Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior and just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.  He did give his testimony, which also brought tears to my eyes.  Noah said that when he was 5 he decided he wanted to be a Christian and worship God like his mom and dad.  I'm not sure I ever really knew that.  Very unlike Noah, he actually kept it relatively short and sweet, but very much like Noah, he used long phrases and big words!

Noah grinned and giggled on the entire car ride home.  At one point, he exclaimed, "Well, the easy part is over!  Now begins the hard part of living the walk!"  Part of me rejoiced, knowing that he truly does understand his commitment, the other part of me was a little sad because I fear that Noah now thinks his childhood is over, due to his literal thinking.

Noah, I hope you know how proud Daddy and I are of you.  We love you so much and we know that you will always do your best to honor God and your promise to Him.  You make us happy and bring us so much joy.  We hope you know how much God loves you and how proud He is of you.  May your light always shine.

1 comment:

  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats to Noah! I am so proud! Thank you for this wonderful post, Amy! You are truly a great example and you live the gospel of Christ each day! I know Noah will be just like his momma!!! I know God will continue to bless you with little miracles every day. :)


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