Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Do you ever feel as though some inanimate object is mocking you?  Maybe that it's a metaphor for something going on in your life?  For example, the other day I mentioned to Shawn that something was cracked.  He laughed and replied, "Honey, everything in this house is cracked.  Including the people and the animals."  Sadly, I'm thinking that's the truth....

Anyway.  This seems to be what happens when I think too much.

We moved into this house with the intention of moving right back out once we got our feet under us.  We put the house on the market, then the market and economy took nose dives--so here we still sit, 11 years later.  In our frustration and laziness, we've let a few home repairs go to the wayside.

The other day, Shawn realized he was tired of looking at our empty doorbell socket, so he decided to replace it.  As with all of our home repairs, he tried, he really did.

It looks--well, it matches the rest of the house in that just doesn't look quite match and it didn't fit properly, even though it's a rather nice looking plate.  And on top of that, it now periodically and randomly shorts out, announcing, "DING DONG!" whenever it pleases.

The doorbell, it mocks me, I'm certain of it:  DING DONG!  DING DONG!

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