Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Furr Family Guide to Childrearing

1.  Encourage roughhousing.  It gives children a sense of survival of the fittest.

2.  Allow plenty of downtime, such as watching endless episodes of Phineas and Ferb.

3.  Encourage imaginary play.  Strollers can be spaceships and refrigerators can be robots!

4.  Make sure they keep up with their chores, like walking the cat.  Chores teach children responsibility!

5.  Never allow children to bring stray pets home, no matter how cute they are.

6.  Exercise is key.  It keeps children fit and tires them out....  Eventually.....

7.  Feed them well.

8.  Allow your children to drive every now and then.  It gives you a nice break and gives your children a sense of independence.

9.  Make sure you show your children how much you appreciate them.  They need a deep sense of love and well-being.

10.  It never hurts to allow your children to try new things from an early age.  Here, you see a small child enjoying his first cup of coffee.

11.  It is important to teach your children good hygiene. This is the best and easiest way to bathe a child.  It saves time and honestly, it saves effort also.  If you toss them into the washer fully clothed, you can take care of laundry and bath-time at the same time. I recommend air-drying rather than machine-drying.

12.  Make sure your child receives plenty of comfort and rest.

13.  Encourage good study habits through the use of study partners.

14.  Make sure your children know how to keep the cat comfortable. 

15. Allow small treats and reward good behavior.  This type of thing should be done before you begin your grocery shopping, so it keeps them occupied, happy and quiet.  To reward good behavior after the fact defeats the purpose of bribery.

16.  If your children insist on acting like goobers, it is your duty as their parent to document such behavior.  You can set aside said documentation to use for other purposes at a later date.

17.  Encourage outdoor play.  This is vital to their growth and well-being.

18.  Remember that young boys need plenty of man-time with their dads.

19.  Ensure that your children know the proper way to carry a cat.  Dragging him by his harness is usually not recommended.

20.  Some children are useful as pack mules.  Others come with their own handy carrying case, for hands-free accessibility.

21.  If you are tired and cranky, chances are good your child is also.  Get plenty of sleep, parenting isn't for sissies!

22.  Make sure your child is stored and packed away properly when not in use.

23.  Encourage love and bonding between siblings.

24.  It is a proven fact that music education helps expand brain development.  Make sure your children have plenty of exposure to music from early on.

25.  Encourage creativity and individuality.  This helps children develop a healthy sense of self.  Remember, every child is unique in his/her own way!

1 comment:

  1. That has to be one of the best blog posts I have ever read about raising a child! You need to turn this into a book :) !!!


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