Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Keep Your Car Smelling Strawberry Fresh

1.  Allow your toddler to have a GoGurt in the one place you swore he'd never eat one:  the car.

2.  Pick empty GoGurt tube up from the floor of your car, where your toddler threw it when he was finished.

3.  Put empty GoGurt tube on dashboard and forget about it.

4.  Turn car on, turn heat to highest defrost setting.

5.  When your ten year old sniffs the air and asks, "Why does the car smell like strawberries?", realize that you placed the GoGurt tube on top of the heating vent when you put it on the dashboard, allowing what was left in the tube to melt and drip into heating vent.

6.  In panic, grab hot, melting GoGurt tube from dashboard, dropping it and flinging leftover GoGurt all over the car and children in the backseat.

Congratulations!  You have completed the necessary steps to having a strawberry fresh car!

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