Tuesday, July 31, 2012

An Angel Name Poco

It has been a little over a week since Noah's dog, and best friend, died.  It has been so painful to watch my son openly resist petting other dogs, so painful to watch what I know he is processing deep within himself.  Unlike Noah, I have pretty much run up to every dog we've seen, eager to be covered in kisses, eager to wrap my arms around a furry neck, and just plain eager for the love only a dog can give.  Yesterday at the beach I found myself playing with two yellow Labs in the water, desperately hoping Noah would follow me.  I have not forced him, and completely going against my usual nature, I have let the heart strings go just a bit because I know this is an experience Noah must endure in his own way.

We have a puppy waiting for us when we return from vacation, and Shawn and I have been wondering if we made the wrong decision.  The puppy decision was made before Gretta died, and we'd planned on having Lilly in our home when Gretta died, but things just didn't work out that way.  We sat down with Noah the other day and asked him directly.  Thankfully, he still wants Lilly....  Because she isn't a Lab.  Noah carefully explained to us, as only Noah can, that he just can't bear to pet another Lab right now.  It's not just dogs in general, it's Labs in particular.  That much, I understand.  I too, am grateful that Lilly is a St. Bernard and not a Lab.  I don't think my heart could bear it right now, and I know that another Lab would just never measure up to Gretta's greatness, no matter how wonderful it is.

Today, we went sailing.  I found out beforehand that a dog happens to reside on this particular boat.  And Poco happens to be a yellow Lab.  Last night, I prepared Noah.  I didn't think it was fair to surprise him with the dog.  I hugged him after I told him, and he walked away from me.  I really didn't know what to expect today.

Avery discovered Poco's "I'm a Therapy Dog" tag first.

Poco discovered Noah next.

As Noah's mom, I don't think I can quite express just how grateful I am to this dog for knowing what my son needed, and for making my son smile.  I get that weird mommy "huh-huh-huh" hicuppy feeling in my chest when I think about this moment.  I had to keep wiping tears away!  I hadn't said anything to the captain, the first mate or Poco about Gretta.  Noah hadn't called Poco over.  Somehow, Poco just knew what was needed and he did his job.  I'd say he earned his milkbones today.

I live in a world in which angels exist.  And sometimes, those angels have four paws, a tail and fur.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me cry. I love love love that Poco sensed that Noah needed some love. June 25th I had to put my beloved cat, Gus, down. He was my amazing companion for 10 years. When I was sick or just feeling depressed he wouldn't leave my side. When I went through my miscarriages he refused to leave my side. The love that our animals give is beyond words. I'm so so sorry for your loss and Iwill keep you guys and especially Noah in my prayers.


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