Monday, July 2, 2012

Never a Dull Moment...

....  Not even at 9 am.  After some typical "left field adventures" last week, a friend commented that I can't seem to catch a break.  No, it would seem that I really can't.  And the adventures just continue....

Here is the email, and picture, I sent out to my mom and two best friends this morning:

So, while Mandy is off swimming with dolphins, I'm here in this hothouse of a house with two cabin fevered kids, runaway cats and a dog who has yet again decided it's just too hot to eat, move or do anything other than just be.....  

I kept hearing Avery and he was muffled.  I couldn't figure out why.  I was in the kitchen getting bread dough going, so I really quite honestly didn't pay too much attention.  I figured he was back in his bedroom, right?  Nope.  He'd locked himself outside--this was what I found when I finally got around to investigating (because Noah is so much help).  And he's yelling "Kitty got out again!"  Well, he'd been muffled for 5-10 minutes, so the cat had a pretty good head start.  Crap.  I got Noah, and we headed out to the backyard.  I asked Avery where the cat went and he pointed over the fence, saying that he'd gone over the fence and into the neighbor's backyard.  Double crap.  I sent Noah that way and ran inside to throw some clothes on so I could head out to look for the cat in the car.  I went inside, threw my clothes on, went back outside and Noah is telling me he's going to start knocking on doors, asking people if they'd seen him (Jethro didn't have his harness with his name tag on this time, so we were concerned someone would find him, thinking he was just a well fed stray, or realize he was a well fed housecat and not know where to return him ).  Fine.  I grabbed Avery and headed for the garage--and tripped right over the cat.  I don't know if he circled around or what he did, but there he was, happily chewing on grass and doing his best to avoid being caught.  Good thing he has a tail.

And now, I'm headed for the shower.  Hopefully everyone can leave everyone alone long enough for me to do that!

This was Sharon's response:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That face! Omgosh...YOUR LIFE!
1) he WENT OUTSIDE by himself. (b/c he has NO FEAR!)
2) he LOCKED HIMSELF out (b/c .....thats how the world works)
3) when he did try to get help...NO ONE ran to his rescue (b/c he's always into something!!!)
4) the cat got out too (with no harness!)
5) the CAT was in the front yard (HAHAHAHA!)
6) Noah. Just Noah. he probably saw Avery outside and thought...oh well, he has to learn! (where does he get that from?!?!)

Yes, I'm sure someone out there in blogland needed a good laugh, or needed to feel better about his/her own day.  If you can use your imagination to see the 11 year old and 3 year old wandering around, chasing after a cat who was behind them the entire time, me frantically racing around to find the cat who was in the yard the whole time, and Jethro laughing at us (I'm sure)....  Maybe you'll get that much needed laugh.  At least, I hope you do. And now, I'm off to see what other adventures the day holds for us.

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