Thursday, July 5, 2012

Facing Life

Today was a weird day.  One for the record books.  Totally beyond our normal weird.  I know...  Crazy, huh?!?  Even for us!

We had a visitor, someone we have't seen in years.  The last time this woman saw me, I was very sick.  I was on a lot of medications, I was using a walker, I could barely stand--and there's just so much more that separates me now from that person I was then.

She asked about my health today, commenting on how great I look now.  I told her I have my good days and bad days, but I'm definitely having more good days now that I've accepted my situation, now that I'm actively working on my relationship with God and taking better care of myself.  She asked if the doctors ever really figured out what it was, and I explained they've never been able to agree.  She then asked about my enjoyment of life, my quality of life.

And you know how I answered?

I have a fabulous life.  I didn't even hesitate.  My life is good.  I have two great kids who I'm darn lucky to have.  I have a wonderful husband who loves us.  We have a good life here.  We've done well for ourselves.  With everything we've been through, we've made it.  We've conquered it.  We've beat it.  We are the couple people placed odds against at our wedding, and we are still in love. I have wonderful, amazing friends who love me and don't judge me.

Has it always been this good?  Nope.  It's been tough beating those odds.  There were times, especially right off the bat, when I thought the people who placed bets against us were right.  It was rough going when I was at my sickest, especially for Shawn and Noah.  But we're here, on the other side.

Is every day that great?  Hmmm....  Nope!  We certainly have our bad days.  We can both be jerks (don't tell him I admitted that!).  But, at the end of the day, we can both own up to our jerk-ness, apologize, and get over it.  And, of course, there are days our kids aren't so great, either!  But hey, that's life, and that's just how it goes sometimes.

I have no idea why this woman decided to just "pop over" for a visit after years of not seeing each other, but I do know that yet again, God has put someone in my path to force things into perspective for me.  He has blessed me tremendously in this life.  I do have a good life and I'm grateful for it.  I'm grateful to be on the other side, to be having more good days than bad days, and to just be alive to enjoy it.

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