Wednesday, October 31, 2012


With Sandy rolling through, I've kept myself busy baking.  Bread, bread and MORE bread.  Rosemary bread, pumpkin swirl bread, honey wheat bread, banana bread, white bread, french bread....  I've have some stuffed in the freezer for later and for Christmas gifts, my family went through 3 loaves as Sandy worked her way through our state, and have started on loaves 4 and 5, and I've given away 3 more loaves.  Oh!  And I made some kick-butt creamy chicken rice soup Monday night to go with some of this bread!

It's hard to believe I have any baking supplies left, but I do!

My niece has always said the only thing that can make her feel better are my chocolate chip cookies.  I love my niece as one of my own.  She fractured her wrist the first day of the storm, so what's a favorite Mamie to do?  Bake cookies, duh.

As it turns out, the only ingredient I don't have is brown sugar.  I'm out, completely.  I have bags of everything else, but somehow I have completely run out of brown sugar.

When I texted this to Sharon, she texted back, "PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON!"

Oh my gosh, right?????

I'm so glad someone in this small world is on the same wavelength as me.

Consider the button pushed.

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