Friday, October 30, 2015

Catch My Cares

We frequently listen to 'Jesus music' in our home (when we aren't indoctrinating our children in 80's hair bands...).  It's usually on in the kitchen and in the car.  Avery loves to sing along, and I love hearing him praise our Father.  Frequently, if I change the station, he will ask me to change it back, telling me, "We need more Jesus, Mom!"  Indeed.

The other day he was singing one of his favorite songs, "Cast My Cares," but he was singing "Catch my cares." As the song ended, Avery lowered his head, raised his hands, and whispered an exuberant, "A-MEN."

The song states, "I will cast my cares on You."  I tried correcting Avery when he was finished, but he wasn't having it.

"No, Mom.  It's definitely 'catch my cares.'  See, I throw my cares at God and He catches them for me.  Then He takes care of them."

How can I argue with that?  Clearly, the band is wrong here, and Avery is correct. God does indeed catch our cares.  All we have to do is let go of them.

Sing on, dear boy.  Sing on.

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