Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas as a Way of Life

I always get emotional this time of year.  Christmas songs tear at my heart and make me cry, which makes my family roll their eyes and say, "Here she goes again." I think of what Mary went through as a mom, a teenage mom, not only the circumstances surrounding her son's birth, but knowing his future.  My heart aches, wondering if she wanted to squirrel Jesus away and hide him from certain death.  I think of the families who consistently go without year-round, having to go without at Christmas, too.  I think of children without families, without the basic necessities, just--without.  I think of those for whom this season is not special, for those who are sick, without family, for those who just can't find the spirit because it's too much.

I also think of all the blessings we have as a family.  I think of all the gifts I've been given that (who) can't be wrapped up with pretty paper and perfect bows.  I think of all the things I get to do for my children, and all the things we get to do for others.  It's a fun time of year for me, even when the days are gray and my depression gets worse.  Honestly, being able to be 'Santa' is probably the thing that gets me through December.  I love the smiles on my kids' faces, and the giggling and full-on hearty laughter Shawn and I share over secrets and surprises, the wonder in my kids' eyes.  I love knowing that we've been able to give peace of mind to a parent whose child might have done without on Christmas morning, that we've been able to make someone smile.  I love the 'feel' in the stores, I love that giddy feeling as I choose gifts for family and complete strangers, and leave things for friends and family to find.  I love decorating, the warmth of the Christmas lights, and the comfy feeling it all brings.  I love the hope of the season, the love that surrounds it.  I'm even (finally) getting used to how we eventually 'Furr it up,' knowing that's just how we do things, no matter what we try to do to avoid it. I also get nostalgic, remembering past Christmases, my children's firsts, and all the other memories and traditions that make Christmas special. It's a magical time, a gifted time, for me.  During this season, I'm still a child.

This is a season of huge blessings, and lots of giving.

I started thinking....  What if we live every day as though it's Christmas?  What if it became a way of life?  Families don't go hungry just one month a year.  Children don't go without proper clothing or families only during November and December.  People don't go without basic necessities only 30 days out of 365.  Yes, Christmas is a season and a holiday, but it's also a state of mind.

I can't help but think of what the world would be like if we were just plain kinder to each other.  If we thought of others more often than we think of ourselves.  If we gave from the heart continually, so that no one would ever have to go without.  What if we shared more of ourselves, having conversations with strangers, sharing an encouraging word or a kind smile?  You never know what it could be that you might do or say to turn someone's day around.

This is how I want to live, and how I want my children to live.  I want to share the spirit of this holiday every day, no matter the month or season.  Do we always get it right?  No, we don't.  Remember how I said we Furr it up?  Yeahhhhh.  But we try.

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