Sunday, December 13, 2015


If you can't tell by the majority of my posts, I'm a big believer in miracles.  I know how big my God is, and He never ceases to amaze me.  Still, He continues to prove Himself even bigger than the last time He wowed me.  Please don't think me simple minded.  I know these are truths.  I've seen them.

This time of year I love hearing of them even more.  We need them.  This season is filled with hope, faith and belief; those are things that miracles give us.  We need to believe in miracles, and our God who performs them.

I used to be a skeptic.  I've been a Christian my entire life--but miracles?  In this day and age?  Whatever.  I used to hear people use the word 'miracle' and think it was cute that they believed such a thing.  Sure, God healed you.  But didn't you see a doctor?  Didn't you take that medicine?  Didn't you just.... I thought those people--well, I thought they were simple minded, quite frankly.

And many times we use the word flippantly.  It's a miracle I got my hair to do anything in this humidity! While it might be nothing short of a miracle for you, it's not quite the kind of miracle I adamantly believe in.

The reason I believe is multifaceted.  Sometimes a miracle isn't presented in the blatant form a child born of a virgin.  Sometimes it's messy.  Sometimes there's no wow factor. Many times, it's not the way we imagined, or asked for. Sometimes, if we aren't looking for it, we miss it--and sometimes, we miss it even when we are looking for it. Sometimes, it's more in the form of deliverance, or acceptance, or a lesson, rather than a cure.  Sometimes it is through that doctor, that medicine, that red light that kept you from the accident you didn't even see coming, the friend who keeps you from doing something stupid.  Sometimes that miracle whispers, other times it announces its presence with a monumental roar.  Occasionally, it just happens.  It's supernatural in nature.  There's no explanation, nothing that anyone can put their finger on--but it happened, and you were there to behold it then, and you are here to testify to it now.

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