Monday, September 5, 2016

The Word is Gratitude, the Place is Home, the People are Family

Yesterday after church I needed to hand my toddler off to someone so I could go potty. I tossed him to a friend of ours, someone Ezra had bonded with (and vice versa) on our missions trip and ran to the bathroom.  When I came out, our friend had Ezra snuggled into his neck, a smile on his face, their eyes closed, rocking back and forth, as his wife rubbed Ezra's back.  All three of them looked like they were in heaven.  I stood and watched with gratitude for just a minute, not wanting to break the moment.  For me, it was just as much bliss to behold as it was for them.  Our friends handed Ezra back with a kiss and an extra squeeze.

The week before, I unceremoniously tossed Ezra to another friend so Shawn, Noah, Avery and I could participate in tug of war.  Just a few minutes before that, I had looked up from a conversation to see our children's director rescuing him from the chaos of the children's games, planting him firmly and safely on her hip, just like he belonged there.

My older two boys bonded with several of the men on our missions trip.  Avery earned a nickname from one of them, and seeks him out at church each week, grinning and laughing and carrying on.  Noah learned many skills from one of the gentlemen who worked patiently with him.  As I watch my kids and these men each week, I realize that it's not just these men who are filling voids...

I see the way our church wraps itself in deep, deep love around those in need.  There is love, there is covering one another, there is picking up where someone else needs to leave off.  There are lives saved. There is making sure no one is left alone.  I am honored, humbled and blessed to be part of this extended family who surrounds itself around those suffering loss, illness and other needs.  I am humbled to be part of a family who takes prayer to the altar, to our knees, to the streets, and to wherever else it is needed for others.  There is never a shortage of someone willing to do whatever is necessary.

These are the moments I'm grateful for.  Each week, I say prayers of gratitude for those who speak life into our children's lives, and into our lives, as well.  As I stand during worship, I look among our friends and my knees shake and my eyes water with gratitude for them.  I cannot believe how blessed we are.  I cannot believe how much we get to be a blessing in turn.  I am grateful for those who help me herd the church baby (Ezra!) through the lobby and keep him safe (based on this post, you must think I frequently lose my child in church....) as he heads for the stairs, the elevator, the vending machines and other dangers in his quest for independence.  I'm grateful to the women and teenagers who serve lovingly as babysitters for our many connection groups.  I'm grateful to the men and women who serve just as lovingly on Sundays and Wednesdays in the Sunday school classes and youth group.  I'm grateful for our pastor and his wife, for all the work and dedication they put into everything they do.  I'm grateful for our worship leaders and praise band--all they do to get the services started off on the right note (haha).  Our media specialist works tirelessly to make sure each week's announcements, and all of the necessary videos are just right, and sending out the message God wants us to hear.  I'm just grateful to be able to be part of such an amazing church family where there is always love, and always an extra set of hands.

I'm an emotional person, so you know there are times I cry as I pray these prayers of gratitude.  This is home.  This is family.   This is church.

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