Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Perfect Baby

Yes, I know there's really no such thing as the perfect child.  Each and every one of us are perfectly imperfect, right?  

However, I will never tell a new mother her beautiful baby is anything less than perfect.

Throughout her child's life, she will worry.  She will wonder.  She will have plenty of people telling her otherwise.  Doctors, well-meaning friends, not-so-well-meaning friends, and even complete strangers, teachers, media, society and judgmental nincompoops, all with their own advice, observations and opinions, will tell this mom her child is not perfect.  They will point out flaws, diagnoses, delays, and ask, "What's wrong with him/her" or "Shouldn't you get that checked out?"  My personal favorite is,  "My cousin's sister's dad's brother's second cousin's gerbil's mom's kid had that (autism, big ears, Down's Syndrome, knobby knees, cancer, freckles, red hair, seizures, purple hair, ADHD, crossed eyes, diabetes, extra toes, asthma, a cowlick...), and he drank this special water and it cleared right up!"  

Mama, your baby is perfect.  I don't care what the doctors are telling you, I don't care what strangers and friends are pointing out, I don't care, I don't care, I do not care--because no matter what, your baby is made in God's image.  Your precious child is made just the way God intended, just for you, for His work, and in His eyes, your beautiful, precious baby is just perfect.

I will never, ever tell you anything less.  Your baby is absolutely perfect. Your child is now, and always will be, perfectly made by our Father Himself, I don't care what anyone tells you.

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