Monday, October 3, 2016

"Kids, Just Let Her Have This Moment"

Some of the best advice my loving, devoted husband has given our children as a loving, devoted dad has been, "Kids, just give her this moment.  Just let her have this, okay?"  They sigh, they groan and mumble a bit, they kick the ground, they roll their eyes--but they also laugh, and try to hide their smiles as they try to not let me know how much they actually love it.

Typically, it's one of those moments when I am in full on cheerleader mom mode.  To my kids, it 'might' be embarrassing, I suppose. My kids (and husband--who has, um, asked me to maybe not yell "THAT'S MY HUSBAND!!!" when he runs through the finish line at his next race.....  What's the fun in that????) will roll their eyes as I yell, cheer, dance, wave my posters, and drive my stickered-penned-and-otherwise-plastered-mommed-up-SUV to and from each event, but in their hearts and minds, they know I'm their biggest fan.  I've also been known to cheer and dance during homework, but (you're probably grateful) we don't have pictures of that. *sad face emoji*

To me, that's what's important.  My children and husband know how much they matter to me, and they know how proud I am of them.  This is my gift to them.  No matter what they are doing, I am, and always will be, their biggest and loudest cheerleader.  This is something I get to do as a their mom.  This is what I want them to pass on their children.  These are some of the stories I want them to tell my grandchildren about me.

This is what I want you to receive from this post:  Let your biggest cheerleader have his or her moment.  Whether it's your neighbor, sister, brother, mom, dad or cousin's sister's brother's gerbil's half-grandfather's sister, or a random stranger--let them be your biggest cheerleader, let them have their moment and know in your heart just how much you matter to that person.  Then, pass it on.

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