Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Paying Our Dues, Part 3, The End (Finally?!?!?)

Now, dear one, it is my turn to pass those very words on to others.  To pass them on with the same love, life and truth:  It will be your turn.  Some day, it will be yours.  Just hang in there.

It is my turn--our turn--God's turn--now.  It took us 15 years to get here, but we're here.  Before you accuse me of being materialistic, please know this is about safety, first and foremost.  We were not safe in our old neighborhood.  This about happiness, and safety, and God's provisions and learning to bloom where we are planted, until God replants us.  Last year, God gave us the home of our dreams.  And, even though it's absolutely beautiful and has everything we asked Him for, it's the home of our dreams because our children are safe, because the neighbors are good people, because the schools are good places where my children have found their tribes and the help they need and the things they excel with, because they've got a huge yard and beautiful wild animals roaming through it.  My dog has a yard she loves, a fenced in area that is all hers, where she can romp and play. And a few months ago, God gave us a new family vehicle, the vehicle of our dreams--yes, it's a huge honking luxury mom mobile SUV that seats us all quite comfortably--but my kids are safe, my dog is safe and doesn't have to sit in the cargo area when she travels with us, and least importantly, I'm not climbing over any other seats in high heels and skirts to get to the driver's seat!  Most recently, in a time of great need, God has provided a new job for Shawn, a new journey for our family, an answer to many prayers.  It does not escape me that we are the family I used to be so easily jealous of.  I say God gave these things to us, but let me be clear---we had to earn them. I shouldn't say He gave them to us, so much as He provided.  He gave us the tools. We had lessons to learn, most importantly, learning to be grateful for what He provided at the time; it may not have been what we wanted, but it was what we needed.  He has provided a career for my husband, and my husband has always worked hard.  He's provided the people who taught us how to use our money smartly, how to tithe and make sure we are good stewards of what He provides for us.  He's connected us with a church family, and with other Christian brothers and sisters along the way, who have helped us make this possible by teaching us how to live better lives, be better Christians, and raise our children in a better, more praiseworthy light.  Now, this is God's home, and this is God's car.  He has trusted us with them to use them for Him--we know we must use them for the church, for the teens, for transportation needs, for connection groups, for preparing meals for others, and for anything else He calls us to provide.  We still deal with many of the same things we used to deal with, my health being one of them, but He still continues to provide.  I can't imagine our lives any other way than the way they are turning out.  God has provided so much for us.

Most importantly, six years ago, God gave my friend those words to speak and she listened to Him, then spoke them with love.

So, please allow me to tell you this, if you are feeling at all like Shawn and I used to feel--your time will come.  Trust me.  Work hard.  Be grateful for what God provides, even if it's not necessarily what you want, but it is what you need. Pay attention to the lessons He's teaching you.  Trust in God.  Trust in yourself.  It will be your turn.  Be blessed, be loved, precious one.

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