Monday, January 9, 2017

Stay At Home Mom Problems

Adult conversation can be hard to come by some days.  Friends are busy, playdates aren't always easy to organize (and just try getting a word in edgewise around children who have just discovered they have the ability to form real words), and Shawn doesn't necessarily appreciate 50 phone calls a day.

There are the days you (okay, okay, it's me...) make a trip to Walmart or the grocery store for something you really don't need, just so you (I) can chat up the cashier (Ezra and I have even made a friend at our grocery store now, so we only go on her days--it's good stuff!).  You--I--find myself talking to complete strangers at Chik-Fil-A (thank goodness Poppa J is always willing to sit down for a spell during the lunch shift!), talking to other moms at the park, and even starting conversations with people while I'm pumping gas.  Heyyyyy.... I wonder if that hitchhiker is a good conversationalist... Hmmm, probably not.  And now, I'm finding myself possibly harassing people on the other end of the phone.

Yep, I'm that cheerful, talkative person the appointment confirmation specialist can't get off the phone.  And sometimes, they take pity on me.

When I called our insurance company to confirm a few details the other day, the young woman on the other end profusely apologized that the phone call was taking so long.  I told her it was just fine (first, take all the time necessary to make sure everything is correct), then (only sort of) joked that she was the only adult I would get to talk to until about 8 that night.

There was a pause, then, "So, um, do you like, wanna talk about the weather, or like, tell me about your kids, or talk about something else when we're finished with business then?"

What a dear, sweet, kind soul!  Not only did she make me laugh, but her gesture also really touched my heart. I took pity on her and did not take her up on her thoughtful offer, but it was just nice to know there are still people out there willing to take the time for other people.  I did thank her, and I did tell her how much her gesture meant to me, and she got a very nice review from me as well.

Moral of the Story:  Take time for your fellow human beings, and be genuine.

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