Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Unborn Child

Disclaimer:  If you don't already know by now, I swing widely to the political right.  If you swing to political left, we are going to have to agree to disagree concerning this post.  That is one of the great things about our country--you are allowed your opinions and thoughts, and I'm allowed mine.  Let's just shake hands and move along.  

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of women are marching on Washington D.C. today for women's rights.  Among those rights is the right to end life--what they call reproductive rights.  These women are also claiming to represent all women, and the rights of all women.

Dear women, please know: You do not represent me, my rights, values, beliefs, ethics and thoughts, nor my family.  Only my God and His words properly represent all of these, especially when it comes to the sanctity of life.

Our family believes that life begins at conception.  Simply put, that baby is a human life, a beautiful, amazing, miraculous life, not a clump a cells, not a choice, or an 'it.'  Two scriptures define life in the womb as just that, life: Psalm 139: 13 ("For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb...") and Jeremiah 1:5 ("Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."). The only two choices to consider are the one made at the beginning in the bedroom, or during the pregnancy that results in adoption.  Abortion--murder--is not one of those choices.  No one has the right to end that precious life, for any reason.  God is the only one to ever make the end of life decision. That priceless unborn child is precious to us, to be treated only with care, love and the utmost respect.  It physically pains me to think of a human life being reduced to a choice, to have never been given a chance, to be in pain in the womb, and discarded without so much care, without ever knowing gentle love.  While these women are marching for their reproductive rights, who will fight for the rights of the unborn children?

You already know our testimony about child loss through miscarriage, and our journey through infertility. I've rejoiced with friends and strangers alike who finally have their miracle children.   I've prayed with, and for precious friends as they've journeyed through the same mess, and did not have the same outcome as our family.  I've shed countless tears for them, and with them.

Yes, our testimony impacts our beliefs somewhat--but our beliefs impact our testimony even more.  Our beliefs impact(ed) our prayer, our faith, and our never-ending knowledge that God's ways are the best ways, even when they aren't our ways.  Without our beliefs, we are nothing.

We have our children, as do so many families, because of God.  Many families have their children because other women chose to not exercise their right to 'choice,' instead giving life, and knitting adoptive families together.  And these dear women marching today have life because their own mothers gave life to them.

I have prayed for changed hearts today.  I have prayed for souls today.  I have prayed for our country today.  But most of all, I have prayed for the unborn children.

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