Friday, February 3, 2017

Diagnosis: God is in Control

I hate these forms.  These are the "tell us what's wrong with your child" forms. While I've come to be grateful for them, because in the long run, they give us answers that will help my children, and while I've come to be grateful for these forms because they give us hope--I hate them. While I've come to accept that we need them, I still don't like them.

Over the last ten years, these forms have caused arguments, and even knock down, drag out fights between myself and my husband.  At times, one of us hasn't wanted to deal, while the other has wanted to deal too much.

These forms have given me the names Advocate and Mother Warrior.  Because of these forms, I've learned to fight for what's best for my children, and to do so articulately.  These forms have given me the ability the encourage other moms in similar positions.

I've learned there are times I'm wrong, and may not always know what's best, because of these forms.

One other thing these forms have reminded me, and taught me, the biggest lesson of all:  God is always in control. I cannot do this on my own.  I've learned that I have to lean into my faith, and onto my Father.  I must trust God, and keep my eyes on Him, no matter how big the storm feels.  My children were God's children long before they were mine.  He loves them more than I can possibly fathom.  God has already written their story, and He knows the plans He has for them.  So, this time, rather than the "here we go again" feeling, I have a sense of peace. We are in the middle of the storm right now, but it's going to be okay.

No matter the next diagnosis, God is in control.

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